Renders directions for the specified waypoints on the map.
Must be placed inside a <bs-google-map/>
Providers |
Selector | bs-google-maps-directions |
Inputs |
Outputs |
Accessors |
constructor(directions: GoogleMapsDirectionsService, api: GoogleMapsComponentApiService, wrapper: GoogleMapsDirections, element: ElementRef)
config | |
Sets the routing configuration to use for each directions request. |
draggable | |
Type : boolean
from | |
Sets the origin of the route. Must be used along with |
hideRouteList | |
Type : boolean
infoWindow | |
Type : GoogleMapsComponentBase<IGoogleMapsInfoWindow> | IGoogleMapsInfoWindow
markerOptions | |
Type : google.maps.MarkerOptions
options | |
Type : google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions
panel | |
Type : ElementRef | HTMLElement
polylineOptions | |
Type : google.maps.PolylineOptions
preserveViewport | |
Type : boolean
routeIndex | |
Type : number
suppressBicyclingLayer | |
Type : boolean
suppressInfoWindows | |
Type : boolean
suppressMarkers | |
Type : boolean
suppressPolylines | |
Type : boolean
through | |
Type : []
Sets the places the route should go through. This is a more flexible alternative to |
to | |
Sets the destination of the route. Must be used along with |
config | ||||||
setconfig(config: DirectionsRequestConfig)
Sets the routing configuration to use for each directions request.
Parameters :
from | ||||||
setfrom(place: DirectionsPlace)
Sets the origin of the route. Must be used along with
Parameters :
to | ||||||
setto(place: DirectionsPlace)
Sets the destination of the route. Must be used along with
Parameters :
through | ||||||
setthrough(places: DirectionsPlace[])
Sets the places the route should go through. This is a more flexible alternative to
Parameters :
import { BehaviorSubject, merge, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Directive, ElementRef, Inject, Input, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { GoogleMapsComponentApiService, GoogleMapsComponentBase, Hook, IGoogleMapsEventData, WrapperInstance } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { IGoogleMapsInfoWindow } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/overlays';
import { DirectionsRequestConfig } from '../abstraction/types/directions-request-config.type';
import { DirectionsPlace } from '../abstraction/types/directions.type';
import { GoogleMapsDirectionsService } from '../services/google-maps-directions.service';
import { GoogleMapsDirectionsFactoryProvider, NativeGoogleMapsDirectionsFactoryProvider } from '../google-maps-directions-factory.provider';
import { GoogleMapsDirections } from '../google-maps-directions';
* Renders directions for the specified waypoints on the map.
* Must be placed inside a `<bs-google-map/>` element.
* @export
* @class GoogleMapsDirectionsDirective
* @extends {GoogleMapsComponentBase<GoogleMapsDirections>}
selector : 'bs-google-maps-directions',
exportAs : 'directions',
providers: [GoogleMapsDirectionsFactoryProvider, NativeGoogleMapsDirectionsFactoryProvider]
export class GoogleMapsDirectionsDirective extends GoogleMapsComponentBase<GoogleMapsDirections>
@Input() public panel : ElementRef | HTMLElement;
@Input() public routeIndex: number;
@Input() public options : google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions;
@Input() public draggable : boolean;
@Input() public hideRouteList : boolean;
@Input() public infoWindow : GoogleMapsComponentBase<IGoogleMapsInfoWindow> | IGoogleMapsInfoWindow;
@Input() public markerOptions : google.maps.MarkerOptions;
@Input() public polylineOptions : google.maps.PolylineOptions;
@Input() public preserveViewport : boolean;
@Input() public suppressBicyclingLayer: boolean;
@Input() public suppressInfoWindows : boolean;
@Input() public suppressMarkers : boolean;
@Input() public suppressPolylines : boolean;
/** This event is fired when the rendered directions change, either when a new DirectionsResult is set or when the user finishes dragging a change to the directions path. */
@Hook('directions_changed') @Output() public directionsChanged: Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>;
private requestConfig : BehaviorSubject<DirectionsRequestConfig> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
private requestFrom : BehaviorSubject<DirectionsPlace> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
private requestTo : BehaviorSubject<DirectionsPlace> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
private requestThrough: BehaviorSubject<DirectionsPlace[]> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
private directions : GoogleMapsDirectionsService,
api : GoogleMapsComponentApiService,
wrapper : GoogleMapsDirections,
element : ElementRef
super(api, wrapper, element);
private initDirectionsFeeds(): void
const directionsChanged = merge(
this.directions.routeFeed (this.requestFrom, this.requestTo, this.requestConfig),
this.directions.throughFeed(this.requestThrough, this.requestConfig)
this.subscribe(directionsChanged, directions => this.wrapper.setDirections(directions));
// TODO: Feeds will currently not trigger for overlay directives changing their bounds. This is probably due
// to the fact that the library delegates properties to native setters but doesn't delegate getters to properties.
// Fix it.
/** Sets the routing configuration to use for each directions request. */
@Input() public set config (config: DirectionsRequestConfig) { this.requestConfig .next(config); }
/** Sets the origin of the route. Must be used along with `[to]`. If this is provided, `[through]` must not be provided. */
@Input() public set from (place: DirectionsPlace) { this.requestFrom .next(place); }
/** Sets the destination of the route. Must be used along with `[from]`. If this is provided, `[through]` must not be provided. */
@Input() public set to (place: DirectionsPlace) { this.requestTo .next(place); }
/** Sets the places the route should go through. This is a more flexible alternative to `from` and `to`. If this is provided, neither `[from]` nor `[to]` should be provided. */
@Input() public set through(places: DirectionsPlace[]) {; }