


OnChanges OnDestroy




constructor(api: GoogleMapsComponentApiService, wrapper: TWrapper, element: ElementRef)

Creates an instance of GoogleMapsComponentBase.

Name Type Optional Description
api GoogleMapsComponentApiService No

The instance of the component api service.

wrapper TWrapper No

The instance of the wrapper to use with this component. Should be provided at the extending component level using the WrapperInstance token.

element ElementRef No

The element created for the component.


Type : any


Protected initEmitters

Executed by the constructor, before angular attempts to bind events. Calls the api.hookAndSetEmitters() method with the appropriate implementation. The default call is api.hookAndSetEmitters(this) which will hook native events to this component instance using the inner wrapper and no event filtering. Override this method to change implementation.

Returns: void
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges)
Name Type Optional
changes SimpleChanges No
Returns: void


Public Readonly wrapper
Type: TWrapper
The instance of the wrapper to use with this component. Should be provided at the extending component level using the `WrapperInstance` token.
import { OnChanges, SimpleChanges, Inject, Directive, ElementRef, Input, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Destroyable                                                               } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';

import { GoogleMapsComponentApiService } from '../../api/google-maps-component-api.service';
import { EmittingWrapper               } from '../types/abstraction';
import { WrapperInstance               } from '../factories/tokens';

 * Provides the basic lifecycle functionality for components and directives that expose functionalities of Google Maps API and its elements.
 * Extending this class will automatically:
 * - Create event emitters hooked to the native event raised by the native Google Maps object and assign them to members decorated with @Hook.
 * - Delegate any bound property changes to their corresponding native setter function on the native Google Maps object.
 * - Cause the injector to instantiate new wrapper and native objects and expose the wrapper to the component's user.
 * Requirements for the magic to happen:
 * --- Must ---
 * 1. Create a component or a directive and extend `GoogleMapsComponentBase`.
 * 2. Define a factory provider for the `NativeInstance` token on the new component / directive.
 * 2. Define a factory provider for the `WrapperInstance` token on the new component / directive.
 * --- To expose native events as bindable template events ---
 * 3. Add `@Hook('native_name') @Output()` marked event emitters to the component / directive.
 * --- To expose native setters as bindable template attributes ---
 * 4. Add `@Input()` members for getters/setters you would like to expose. Use the native setter function name and omit the 'set' part to name your inputs.
 * @see GoogleMapComponent source code for an example.
/** @dynamic */
export abstract class GoogleMapsComponentBase<TWrapper extends EmittingWrapper>
              extends Destroyable
           implements OnChanges, OnDestroy
    @Input() public custom: any;

     * Creates an instance of GoogleMapsComponentBase.
     * @param {GoogleMapsComponentApiService} api The instance of the component api service.
     * @param {TWrapper} wrapper The instance of the wrapper to use with this component. Should be provided at the extending component level using the `WrapperInstance` token.
     * @param {ElementRef} element The element created for the component.
    constructor(protected api: GoogleMapsComponentApiService, @Inject(WrapperInstance) public readonly wrapper: TWrapper, protected element: ElementRef)


    ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges)
        this.api.delegateInputChangesToNativeObject(changes, this.wrapper);
     * Executed by the constructor, before angular attempts to bind events. Calls the `api.hookAndSetEmitters()` method with the appropriate implementation.
     * The default call is `api.hookAndSetEmitters(this)` which will hook native events to this component instance using the inner wrapper
     * and no event filtering. Override this method to change implementation.
     * @protected
     * @virtual
    protected initEmitters()

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