Provides tools for automating the component <-> wrapper relationship.
Properties |
Methods |
constructor(api: GoogleMapsApiService)
Creates an instance of GoogleMapsComponentApiService.
Public createEventEmitter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
createEventEmitter(wrapper: EmittingWrapper, eventName: string, eventReference: string, associatedWrapper: EmittingWrapper, shouldEmit?: (event?: IGoogleMapsEventData) => void)
Creates an observable hooked to a native event of a wrapper object and automatically transforms its event data. Subscribe and unsubscribe are both hooked. the native object contained by
An observable hooked to the native event of the wrapper. |
Public delegateInputChangesToNativeObject | ||||||||||||
delegateInputChangesToNativeObject(changes: SimpleChanges, wrapper: Wrapper)
Goes through all changes presented by an
Public hookAndSetEmitters | ||||||||||||||||||||
hookAndSetEmitters(emittingComponent: GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper>, wrapper: EmittingWrapper, shouldEmit?: (event?: IGoogleMapsEventData) => void)
Creates and assigns observables for component outputs decorated with the Event arguments are automatically transformed using the Note: [02-04-2020 Shy Agam] The whole idea of this method is to generate the observables itself and assign it to the Hooked members will be assigned with a new observable, overwriting any existing value. the native object contained by
Public api |
Type: GoogleMapsApiService
The low-level tools of the framework.
import { fromEventPattern, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, switchMap, pluck, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Injectable, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { camelCase } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/_internal';
import { GoogleMapsEventsMap } from '../abstraction/types/events-map.type';
import { IGoogleMapsEventData } from '../abstraction/events/i-google-maps-event-data';
import { GoogleMapsEventData } from '../abstraction/events/google-maps-event-data';
import { GoogleMapsComponentBase } from '../abstraction/base/google-maps-component-base';
import { EmittingWrapper, Wrapper } from '../abstraction/types/abstraction';
import { HookOutputSymbol } from '../decorators/hook.decorator';
import { GoogleMapsApiService } from './google-maps-api.service';
* Provides tools for automating the component <-> wrapper relationship.
providedIn: 'root'
export class GoogleMapsComponentApiService
* Creates an instance of GoogleMapsComponentApiService.
* @param {GoogleMapsApiService} api The low-level tools of the framework.
constructor(public api: GoogleMapsApiService) { }
* Creates and assigns observables for component outputs decorated with the `@Hook()`. Any existing values will be overwritten.
* The generated observables are automatically hooked to events of the native object represented by the given wrapper.
* This method should be called in the component's constructor. This way, when angular attempts to bind template events it
* will pick up the generated observables.
* Event arguments are automatically transformed using the `EventDataTransformService`.
* In case a component's events should be hooked to a wrapper different to the one it holds, you can pass the it in using the `wrapper` argument.
* Note: [02-04-2020 Shy Agam] The whole idea of this method is to generate the observables itself and assign it to the `@Output()` members
* so angular could subscribe and unsubscribe automatically without the need for manually handling `OnInit` and `OnDestroy`.
* Currently, angular uses `EventEmitter` objects as standard. However, going the angular way requires a mechamism that will trigger the
* `emit()` method of the emitter. Wrapping it in a class that manages an observable and hooks the `emit()` method? Merging somehow the observable with
* with the emitter stream? Too complex and seems unnecessary as events can work perfectly with (and rely on) RxJs observables.
* In case angular's implementation changes, or a better solution comes up, this should be reevaluated.
* @param {GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper>} emittingComponent The component/directive emitting the events. Should decorate `@Output()` members with `@Hook()`.
* Hooked members will be assigned with a new observable, overwriting any existing value.
* @param {EmittingWrapper} [wrapper=emittingComponent.wrapper] (Optional) The wrapper of the native object which defines the events. By default, events will be hooked to
* the native object contained by `emittingComponent.wrapper`. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting component is not the one containing the native object.
* Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives.
* @see `google-maps-feature.directive.ts` for more info.
* @param {((event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)} [shouldEmit] (Optional) A filter function that will determine if the a specific event should be emitted or not.
public hookAndSetEmitters(emittingComponent: GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper>, wrapper: EmittingWrapper = null, shouldEmit?: (event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)
const eventsMap = (Reflect.getMetadata(HookOutputSymbol, emittingComponent) || []) as GoogleMapsEventsMap;
wrapper = wrapper || emittingComponent.wrapper;
for (const event of eventsMap)
// Set the observable to the event emitter property
emittingComponent[camelCase(] = this.createEventEmitter(wrapper,, event.reference, emittingComponent.wrapper, shouldEmit);;
* Creates an observable hooked to a native event of a wrapper object and automatically transforms its event data.
* Subscribe and unsubscribe are both hooked.
* @param {EmittingWrapper} wrapper The wrapper for which the event should be hooked.
* @param {string} eventName The library's (camelCase) name for the event.
* @param {string} eventReference The native name of the event.
* @param {EmittingWrapper} associatedWrapper (Optional) The wrapper of the native object which defines the events. By default, events will be hooked to
* the native object contained by `wrapper`. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting wrapper is not the one containing the native object.
* Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives.
* @see `google-maps-feature.directive.ts` for more info.
* @param {((event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)} [shouldEmit] (Optional) A filter function that will determine if the a specific event should be emitted or not.
* @returns {Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>} An observable hooked to the native event of the wrapper.
public createEventEmitter(wrapper: EmittingWrapper, eventName: string, eventReference: string, associatedWrapper: EmittingWrapper = wrapper, shouldEmit?: (event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>): Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>
let emitter = fromEventPattern(
// Hook native event to observable subscribe
(handler) => wrapper.listenTo(eventReference, handler),
// Hook unregister function to observable unsubscribe
(_, stopListening: () => void) => stopListening(),
// Map, simplify and storng-type event args
map((...nativeArgs: any[]) => new GoogleMapsEventData(eventName, wrapper,, nativeArgs, associatedWrapper))
// If a filtering function was provided, pipe it in
if (shouldEmit) emitter = emitter.pipe(
// Determine if the event should be emitted. Wrapped in a Promise.resolve() call to avoid detecting the return type of the filter function
switchMap(event => Promise.resolve(shouldEmit(event)).then(emit => ({ event, emit }))),
// Filter by the boolean result of the shouldEmit function
filter(data => data.emit),
// Get and pass along only the event object
return emitter;
* Goes through all changes presented by an `ngOnChanges()` call and, if wrapper has a matching setter method, delegates them to the setter on the wrapper.
* Expects wrapper setter methods name to conform to the format of `setProperty` (`set` prefix, followed by a CamelCase component property name).
* @param {SimpleChanges} changes The changes object as received from the call to `ngOnChanges()`
* @param {Wrapper} wrapper The wrapper to delegate changes to.
public delegateInputChangesToNativeObject(changes: SimpleChanges, wrapper: Wrapper)
for (const propertyName in changes)
const setterName = `set${camelCase(propertyName, true)}`;
// If the wrapper has a setter for the property name, this will set the new values of @Input() values to the native object's properties
if (setterName in wrapper)