
Provides tools for automating the component <-> wrapper relationship.





constructor(api: GoogleMapsApiService)

Creates an instance of GoogleMapsComponentApiService.

Name Type Optional Description
api GoogleMapsApiService No

The low-level tools of the framework.


Public createEventEmitter
createEventEmitter(wrapper: EmittingWrapper, eventName: string, eventReference: string, associatedWrapper: EmittingWrapper, shouldEmit?: (event?: IGoogleMapsEventData) => void)

Creates an observable hooked to a native event of a wrapper object and automatically transforms its event data. Subscribe and unsubscribe are both hooked.

the native object contained by wrapper. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting wrapper is not the one containing the native object. Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives. See google-maps-feature.directive.ts for more info.

Name Type Optional Default value Description
wrapper EmittingWrapper No

The wrapper for which the event should be hooked.

eventName string No

The library's (camelCase) name for the event.

eventReference string No

The native name of the event.

associatedWrapper EmittingWrapper No wrapper

(Optional) The wrapper of the native object which defines the events. By default, events will be hooked to the native object contained by wrapper. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting wrapper is not the one containing the native object. Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives.

shouldEmit function Yes

(Optional) A filter function that will determine if the a specific event should be emitted or not.

Returns: Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>

An observable hooked to the native event of the wrapper.

Public delegateInputChangesToNativeObject
delegateInputChangesToNativeObject(changes: SimpleChanges, wrapper: Wrapper)

Goes through all changes presented by an ngOnChanges() call and, if wrapper has a matching setter method, delegates them to the setter on the wrapper. Expects wrapper setter methods name to conform to the format of setProperty (set prefix, followed by a CamelCase component property name).

Name Type Optional Description
changes SimpleChanges No

The changes object as received from the call to ngOnChanges()

wrapper Wrapper No

The wrapper to delegate changes to.

Returns: void
Public hookAndSetEmitters
hookAndSetEmitters(emittingComponent: GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper>, wrapper: EmittingWrapper, shouldEmit?: (event?: IGoogleMapsEventData) => void)

Creates and assigns observables for component outputs decorated with the @Hook(). Any existing values will be overwritten. The generated observables are automatically hooked to events of the native object represented by the given wrapper. This method should be called in the component's constructor. This way, when angular attempts to bind template events it will pick up the generated observables.

Event arguments are automatically transformed using the EventDataTransformService. In case a component's events should be hooked to a wrapper different to the one it holds, you can pass the it in using the wrapper argument.

Note: [02-04-2020 Shy Agam] The whole idea of this method is to generate the observables itself and assign it to the @Output() members so angular could subscribe and unsubscribe automatically without the need for manually handling OnInit and OnDestroy. Currently, angular uses EventEmitter objects as standard. However, going the angular way requires a mechamism that will trigger the emit() method of the emitter. Wrapping it in a class that manages an observable and hooks the emit() method? Merging somehow the observable with with the emitter stream? Too complex and seems unnecessary as events can work perfectly with (and rely on) RxJs observables. In case angular's implementation changes, or a better solution comes up, this should be reevaluated.

Hooked members will be assigned with a new observable, overwriting any existing value.

the native object contained by emittingComponent.wrapper. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting component is not the one containing the native object. Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives. See google-maps-feature.directive.ts for more info.

Name Type Optional Default value Description
emittingComponent GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper> No

The component/directive emitting the events. Should decorate @Output() members with @Hook(). Hooked members will be assigned with a new observable, overwriting any existing value.

wrapper EmittingWrapper No null

(Optional) The wrapper of the native object which defines the events. By default, events will be hooked to the native object contained by emittingComponent.wrapper. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting component is not the one containing the native object. Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives.

shouldEmit function Yes

(Optional) A filter function that will determine if the a specific event should be emitted or not.

Returns: void


Public api
Type: GoogleMapsApiService
The low-level tools of the framework.
import { fromEventPattern, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, switchMap, pluck, map     } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Injectable, SimpleChanges    } from '@angular/core';

import { camelCase                } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/_internal';
import { GoogleMapsEventsMap      } from '../abstraction/types/events-map.type';
import { IGoogleMapsEventData     } from '../abstraction/events/i-google-maps-event-data';
import { GoogleMapsEventData      } from '../abstraction/events/google-maps-event-data';
import { GoogleMapsComponentBase  } from '../abstraction/base/google-maps-component-base';
import { EmittingWrapper, Wrapper } from '../abstraction/types/abstraction';
import { HookOutputSymbol         } from '../decorators/hook.decorator';
import { GoogleMapsApiService     } from './google-maps-api.service';
 * Provides tools for automating the component <-> wrapper relationship.
    providedIn: 'root'
export class GoogleMapsComponentApiService
     * Creates an instance of GoogleMapsComponentApiService.
     * @param {GoogleMapsApiService} api The low-level tools of the framework.
    constructor(public api: GoogleMapsApiService) { }

     * Creates and assigns observables for component outputs decorated with the `@Hook()`. Any existing values will be overwritten.
     * The generated observables are automatically hooked to events of the native object represented by the given wrapper.
     * This method should be called in the component's constructor. This way, when angular attempts to bind template events it
     * will pick up the generated observables.
     * Event arguments are automatically transformed using the `EventDataTransformService`.
     * In case a component's events should be hooked to a wrapper different to the one it holds, you can pass the it in using the `wrapper` argument.
     * Note: [02-04-2020 Shy Agam] The whole idea of this method is to generate the observables itself and assign it to the `@Output()` members
     * so angular could subscribe and unsubscribe automatically without the need for manually handling `OnInit` and `OnDestroy`.
     * Currently, angular uses `EventEmitter` objects as standard. However, going the angular way requires a mechamism that will trigger the
     * `emit()` method of the emitter. Wrapping it in a class that manages an observable and hooks the `emit()` method? Merging somehow the observable with
     * with the emitter stream? Too complex and seems unnecessary as events can work perfectly with (and rely on) RxJs observables.
     * In case angular's implementation changes, or a better solution comes up, this should be reevaluated.
     * @param {GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper>} emittingComponent The component/directive emitting the events. Should decorate `@Output()` members with `@Hook()`.
     * Hooked members will be assigned with a new observable, overwriting any existing value.
     * @param {EmittingWrapper} [wrapper=emittingComponent.wrapper] (Optional) The wrapper of the native object which defines the events. By default, events will be hooked to
     * the native object contained by `emittingComponent.wrapper`. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting component is not the one containing the native object.
     * Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives.
     * @see `google-maps-feature.directive.ts` for more info.
     * @param {((event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)} [shouldEmit] (Optional) A filter function that will determine if the a specific event should be emitted or not.
    public hookAndSetEmitters(emittingComponent: GoogleMapsComponentBase<EmittingWrapper>, wrapper: EmittingWrapper = null, shouldEmit?: (event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)
        const eventsMap = (Reflect.getMetadata(HookOutputSymbol, emittingComponent) || []) as GoogleMapsEventsMap;

        wrapper = wrapper || emittingComponent.wrapper;

        for (const event of eventsMap)
            // Set the observable to the event emitter property
            emittingComponent[camelCase(] = this.createEventEmitter(wrapper,, event.reference, emittingComponent.wrapper, shouldEmit);;

     * Creates an observable hooked to a native event of a wrapper object and automatically transforms its event data.
     * Subscribe and unsubscribe are both hooked.
     * @param {EmittingWrapper} wrapper The wrapper for which the event should be hooked.
     * @param {string} eventName The library's (camelCase) name for the event.
     * @param {string} eventReference The native name of the event.
     * @param {EmittingWrapper} associatedWrapper (Optional) The wrapper of the native object which defines the events. By default, events will be hooked to
     * the native object contained by `wrapper`. Pass a value to this argument only if the emitting wrapper is not the one containing the native object.
     * Example: Google Maps's data layer native object raises events that should be emitted by the individual feature directives.
     * @see `google-maps-feature.directive.ts` for more info.
     * @param {((event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)} [shouldEmit] (Optional) A filter function that will determine if the a specific event should be emitted or not.
     * @returns {Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>} An observable hooked to the native event of the wrapper.
    public createEventEmitter(wrapper: EmittingWrapper, eventName: string, eventReference: string, associatedWrapper: EmittingWrapper = wrapper, shouldEmit?: (event: IGoogleMapsEventData) => boolean | Promise<boolean>): Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>
        let emitter = fromEventPattern(
            // Hook native event to observable subscribe
            (handler)                      => wrapper.listenTo(eventReference, handler),
            // Hook unregister function to observable unsubscribe
            (_, stopListening: () => void) => stopListening(),
            // Map, simplify and storng-type event args
            map((...nativeArgs: any[]) => new GoogleMapsEventData(eventName, wrapper,, nativeArgs, associatedWrapper))
        // If a filtering function was provided, pipe it in
        if (shouldEmit) emitter = emitter.pipe(
            // Determine if the event should be emitted. Wrapped in a Promise.resolve() call to avoid detecting the return type of the filter function
            switchMap(event => Promise.resolve(shouldEmit(event)).then(emit => ({ event, emit }))),
            // Filter by the boolean result of the shouldEmit function
            filter(data => data.emit),
            // Get and pass along only the event object

        return emitter;

     * Goes through all changes presented by an `ngOnChanges()` call and, if wrapper has a matching setter method, delegates them to the setter on the wrapper.
     * Expects wrapper setter methods name to conform to the format of `setProperty` (`set` prefix, followed by a CamelCase component property name).
     * @param {SimpleChanges} changes The changes object as received from the call to `ngOnChanges()`
     * @param {Wrapper} wrapper The wrapper to delegate changes to.
    public delegateInputChangesToNativeObject(changes: SimpleChanges, wrapper: Wrapper)
        for (const propertyName in changes)
            const setterName = `set${camelCase(propertyName, true)}`;

            // If the wrapper has a setter for the property name, this will set the new values of @Input() values to the native object's properties
            if (setterName in wrapper)

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