
Integrates the google.maps.DirectionsService into the framework and provides tools for directions. The service can be used directly, however the GoogleMapsDirectionsDirective allows integrating it and rendering it directly on an existing map.

See original notes of the native service

Note: This service is intended to be injected once, at root level. Therefore the native object provider should also be provided at root level. GoogleMapsDirectionsModule should be imported forRoot() to provide the native factory.





constructor(transform: DirectionsTransformService, api: GoogleMapsApiService, native: NativeDirectionsService)
Name Type Optional
transform DirectionsTransformService No
api GoogleMapsApiService No
native NativeDirectionsService No


Public route
route(from: DirectionsPlace, to: DirectionsPlace, options?: DirectionsRequestConfig)

Finds the directions from the specified origin to the specified destination. If no travel mode was provided google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING will be used.

If the native service returned an 'OK' status, the observable will emit the results. Otherwise, the observable will error with the status code received in the response.

Name Type Optional Description
from DirectionsPlace No

The origin for the route.

to DirectionsPlace No

The destination of the route.

options DirectionsRequestConfig Yes

(Optional) Any additional route options.

Returns: Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>

The directions for the specified points.

Public routeFeed
routeFeed(from: Observable<DirectionsPlace>, to: Observable<DirectionsPlace>, config: Observable<DirectionsRequestConfig>)

Creates a feed that emits a new directions result for each change origin, destination or route configuration.

Name Type Optional Description
from Observable<DirectionsPlace> No

The feed that emits the origin to route from.

to Observable<DirectionsPlace> No

The feed that emits the destination to route to.

config Observable<DirectionsRequestConfig> No

The feed that emits the routing configuration.

Returns: Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>

A feed that emits a new directions result for each change origin, destination or route configuration.

Public through
through(places: DirectionsPlace[], options?: Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig | waypoints>)

Finds the directions from the first place to the last place, through all the places in between. If no travel mode was provided google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING will be used.

If the native service returned an 'OK' status, the observable will emit the results. Otherwise, the observable will error with the status code received in the response.

and all of which are in between will be considered waypoints. At least 2 items must be provided.

Name Type Optional Description
places DirectionsPlace[] No

The array of places to pass through. The first item will be considered as origin, the last one as destination, and all of which are in between will be considered waypoints. At least 2 items must be provided.

options Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig | waypoints> Yes

(Optional) Any additional route options.

Returns: Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>

The directions for the specified places.

Public throughFeed
throughFeed(places: Observable<DirectionsPlace[]>, config: Observable<Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig, waypoints>>)

Creates a feed that emits a new directions result for each change in places or route configuration.

Name Type Optional Description
places Observable<DirectionsPlace[]> No

The feed that emits the places to route through.

config Observable<Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig, waypoints>> No

The feed that emits the routing configuration.

Returns: Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>

A feed that emits a new directions result for each change in places or route configuration.

Public setCustom
setCustom(custom: any)
Name Type Optional
custom any No
Returns: void


Public custom
Type: any
Public Readonly native
Type: TNative
The instantiated native object to be wrapped.
import { combineLatest, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, mergeMap          } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Injectable                } from '@angular/core';

import { Delegation, GoogleMapsApiService, GoogleMapsNativeObjectWrapper, NativeObjectWrapper } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { DirectionsRequestConfig                                                              } from '../abstraction/types/directions-request-config.type';
import { DirectionsPlace                                                                      } from '../abstraction/types/directions.type';
import { DirectionsTransformService                                                           } from './transform/directions-transform.service';
import { NativeDirectionsService                                                              } from './google-maps-directions-service-factory.provider';

export type DirectionsCallback = (result: google.maps.DirectionsResult, status: google.maps.DirectionsStatus) => void;

 * Integrates the `google.maps.DirectionsService` into the framework and provides tools for directions.
 * The service can be used directly, however the `GoogleMapsDirectionsDirective` allows integrating it and rendering it
 * directly on an existing map.
 * @see [original notes of the native service](
 * Note: This service is intended to be injected once, at root level. Therefore the native object provider should also be
 * provided at root level. `GoogleMapsDirectionsModule` should be imported `forRoot()` to provide the native factory.
 * @export
 * @class GoogleMapsDirectionsService
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
@NativeObjectWrapper<GoogleMapsDirectionsService>({ route: Delegation.OutsideAngular })
export class GoogleMapsDirectionsService extends GoogleMapsNativeObjectWrapper<google.maps.DirectionsService>
    constructor(private transform: DirectionsTransformService, api: GoogleMapsApiService, native: NativeDirectionsService)
        super(api, native);

     * Finds the directions from the first place to the last place, through all the places in between. If no travel mode was provided
     * `google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING` will be used.
     * If the native service returned an `'OK'` status, the observable will emit the results. Otherwise, the observable will
     * error with the status code received in the response.
     * @See original docs about [result status](
     * @param {DirectionsPlace[]} places The array of places to pass through. The first item will be considered as origin, the last one as destination,
     * and all of which are in between will be considered waypoints. At least 2 items must be provided.
     * @param {Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig, 'waypoints'>} [options] (Optional) Any additional route options.
     * @returns {Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>} The directions for the specified places.
    public through(places: DirectionsPlace[], options?: Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig, 'waypoints'>): Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>
        places = places || [];

        if (places.length < 2) throw new Error(`[GoogleMapsDirectionsService] Received ${places.length} places. At least 2 places must be specified to retrieve directions.`);

        const origin      = this.transform.toNativePlace(places[0]);
        const destination = this.transform.toNativePlace(places.slice(-1)[0]);
        const waypoints   = places.slice(1, -1).map(place => this.transform.toNativeWaypoint(place));  // This will return an empty array if out of bounds

        const request: google.maps.DirectionsRequest = {

        return this.requestRoute(request);

     * Finds the directions from the specified origin to the specified destination. If no travel mode was provided
     * `google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING` will be used.
     * If the native service returned an `'OK'` status, the observable will emit the results. Otherwise, the observable will
     * error with the status code received in the response.
     * @See original docs about [result status](
     * @param {DirectionsPlace} from The origin for the route.
     * @param {DirectionsPlace} to The destination of the route.
     * @param {DirectionsRequestConfig} [options] (Optional) Any additional route options.
     * @returns {Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>} The directions for the specified points.
    public route(from: DirectionsPlace, to: DirectionsPlace, options?: DirectionsRequestConfig): Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>
        const throwNullError = (name: string) => { throw new Error(`[GoogleMapsDirectionsService] '${name}' must be specified`); };

        if (!from) throwNullError('from');
        if (!to) throwNullError('to');

        return this.through([from, to], options);

     * Creates a feed that emits a new directions result for each change in places or route configuration.
     * @param {Observable<DirectionsPlace[]>} places The feed that emits the places to route through.
     * @param {Observable<Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig, 'waypoints'>>} config The feed that emits the routing configuration.
     * @returns {Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>} A feed that emits a new directions result for each change in places or route configuration.
    public throughFeed(places: Observable<DirectionsPlace[]>, config: Observable<Exclude<DirectionsRequestConfig, 'waypoints'>>): Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>
        const feed = places.pipe(filter(places => !!places));

        return this.feedFor(feed, config);

     * Creates a feed that emits a new directions result for each change origin, destination or route configuration.
     * @param {Observable<DirectionsPlace>} from The feed that emits the origin to route from.
     * @param {Observable<DirectionsPlace>} to The feed that emits the destination to route to.
     * @param {Observable<DirectionsRequestConfig>} config The feed that emits the routing configuration.
     * @returns {Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>} A feed that emits a new directions result for each change origin, destination or route configuration.
    public routeFeed(from: Observable<DirectionsPlace>, to: Observable<DirectionsPlace>, config: Observable<DirectionsRequestConfig>): Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>
        const feed = combineLatest([from, to]).pipe(filter(([from, to]) => !!(from && to)));

        return this.feedFor(feed, config);

     * Creates a feed that emits a new directions result for each change in places or route configuration.
     * @private
     * @param {Observable<DirectionsPlace[]>} placesFeed The feed that emits the places to route through.
     * @param {Observable<DirectionsRequestConfig>} configFeed The feed that emits the routing configuration.
     * @returns {Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>} A feed that emits a new directions result for each change in places or route configuration.
    private feedFor(placesFeed: Observable<DirectionsPlace[]>, configFeed: Observable<DirectionsRequestConfig>): Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>
        return combineLatest([placesFeed, configFeed]).pipe(
            mergeMap(([places, config]) => this.through(places, config))

     * Creates an observable that, when subscribed to, launches a directions request safely (i.e. when api is ready).
     * @private
     * @param {google.maps.DirectionsRequest} request The directions request to send.
     * @returns {Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>} An observable that emits the results for the specified directions request.
    private requestRoute(request: google.maps.DirectionsRequest): Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>
        return new Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult>(observer =>
            const handleDirectionsResult: DirectionsCallback = (result, status) =>
                if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK)
                    observer.error(`${status} - Failed to retrieve directions\nRefer to for more information.`);

            // Wait for the native service to be assigned, then use it outside Angular
            this.api.runOutsideAngularWhenReady(() => this.nativeRequestRoute(request, handleDirectionsResult));

     * Applies default values for mandatory options which were not provided and executes the directions request
     * through the native `google.maps.DirectionsService`.
     * @private
     * @param {google.maps.DirectionsRequest} request The request to execute.
     * @param {DirectionsCallback} handleDirectionsResult The callback to execute once directions result have returned.
    private nativeRequestRoute(request: google.maps.DirectionsRequest, handleDirectionsResult: DirectionsCallback): void
        // This cannot be a global const as it uses values from the google namespace which is lazy-loaded
        const defaultConfig: DirectionsRequestConfig = {
            travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING

        request = { ...defaultConfig, ...request };

        this.native.route(request, handleDirectionsResult);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""