
Provides flexible methods for converting and analyzing directions related types.

Note: As this is an independent service, it is provided in root to allow using it without importing the GoogleMapsDirectionsModule itself. If at any point the service becomes dependent of the module, this should be changed to { providedIn: GoogleMapsDirectionsModule }. A single instance will be created and Ivy will tree shake the service (if it is not injected anywhere in the using app) in both cases, the only difference will be the ability to use it without importing the module.





constructor(geometry: GeometryTransformService)
Name Type Optional
geometry GeometryTransformService No


Public isNativePlace
isNativePlace(value: any)

(Type Guard) Determines whether the given value is a native directions place object.

Name Type Optional Description
value any No

The value to test.

true if the value is a native directions place object; otherwise false.

Public isNativePlaceObject
isNativePlaceObject(value: any)

(Type Guard) Determines whether the given value is a native google.maps.Place object.

Name Type Optional Description
value any No

The value to test.

Returns: google.maps.Place

true if the value is a native google.maps.Place object; otherwise false.

Public isNativeWaypoint
isNativeWaypoint(value: any)

(Type Guard) Determines if the given value is a native waypoint (e.g. google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint).

Name Type Optional Description
value any No

The value to test.

true if the value is a native waypoint; otherwise false.

Public isWaypoint
isWaypoint(value: any)

(Type Guard) Determines if the given value is either a native waypoint or flexible waypoint (i.e. google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint or DirectionsWaypoint).

Name Type Optional Description
value any No

The value to test.

Returns: NativeDirectionsWaypoint | DirectionsWaypoint

is NativeDirectionsWaypoint | DirectionsWaypoint)} true if the given value is a waypoint; otherwise false.

Public toNativePlace
toNativePlace(place: DirectionsPlace)

Converts the given place to a native directions place. If the place is a waypoint, it's location will be used. If the place is a BoundsLike type, its center coordinate will be calculated and used as the place.

Name Type Optional Description
place DirectionsPlace No

The place to use for directions.

The native representation of the place.

Public toNativeWaypoint
toNativeWaypoint(place: DirectionsPlace)

Transforms a place to a native waypoint. If this is a place (not already a waypoint), it will be wrapped as a waypoint and assigned as the location property.

Name Type Optional Description
place DirectionsPlace No

The place to transfrom to a native waypoint.

The native waypoint representation of the place.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { GeometryTransformService                                                             } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { DirectionsPlace, DirectionsWaypoint, NativeDirectionsPlace, NativeDirectionsWaypoint } from '../../abstraction/types/directions.type';

 * Provides flexible methods for converting and analyzing directions related types.
 * Note: As this is an independent service, it is provided in root to allow using it without importing the `GoogleMapsDirectionsModule` itself.  
 *       If at any point the service becomes dependent of the module, this should be changed to `{ providedIn: GoogleMapsDirectionsModule }`.  
 *       A single instance will be created and Ivy will tree shake the service (if it is not injected anywhere in the using app) in both cases,
 *       the only difference will be the ability to use it without importing the module.
 * @export
 * @class DirectionsTransformService
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class DirectionsTransformService
    constructor(private geometry: GeometryTransformService) { }

     * Converts the given place to a native directions place.
     * If the place is a waypoint, it's location will be used.
     * If the place is a `BoundsLike` type, its center coordinate will be calculated and used as the place.
     * @param {DirectionsPlace} place The place to use for directions.
     * @returns {NativeDirectionsPlace} The native representation of the place.
    public toNativePlace(place: DirectionsPlace): NativeDirectionsPlace
        if (this.isNativePlace(place)) return place;

        if (this.isWaypoint(place)) return this.isNativeWaypoint(place) ? place.location : this.toNativePlace(place.location);

        return this.geometry.centerOf(place);

     * (Type Guard) Determines whether the given value is a native directions place object.
     * @param {*} value The value to test.
     * @returns {value is NativeDirectionsPlace} `true` if the value is a native directions place object; otherwise `false`.
    public isNativePlace(value: any): value is NativeDirectionsPlace
        return !!value && (
            typeof value === 'string' ||
            this.geometry.isNativeCoord(value) ||
            // This will detect `google.maps.Place`

     * (Type Guard) Determines whether the given value is a native `google.maps.Place` object.
     * @param {*} value The value to test.
     * @returns {value is google.maps.Place} `true` if the value is a native `google.maps.Place` object; otherwise `false`.
    public isNativePlaceObject(value: any): value is google.maps.Place
        return value && typeof value === 'object' && 'location' in value && this.geometry.isNativeCoord(value.location);
     * Transforms a place to a native waypoint.
     * If this is a place (not already a waypoint), it will be wrapped as a waypoint and assigned as the `location` property.
     * @param {DirectionsPlace} place The place to transfrom to a native waypoint.
     * @returns {NativeDirectionsWaypoint} The native waypoint representation of the place.
    public toNativeWaypoint(place: DirectionsPlace): NativeDirectionsWaypoint
        if (this.isNativeWaypoint(place)) return place;

        let waypoint: DirectionsWaypoint;

        if      (this.isWaypoint(place)   ) waypoint = {, location: this.toNativePlace(place.location) };
        else if (this.isNativePlace(place)) waypoint = { location: place };
        else                                waypoint = { location: this.toNativePlace(place) };

        return this.ensureNativeLocationTypeSupported(waypoint);

     * In directions requests, origin and destination support `LatLngLiteral`s, while the `location` property of a waypoint doesn't.
     * So if the waypoint holds a literal object it must be converted to a `LatLng` object.
     * @private
     * @param {NativeDirectionsWaypoint} waypoint
    private ensureNativeLocationTypeSupported(waypoint: DirectionsWaypoint): NativeDirectionsWaypoint
        let location = waypoint.location;

        if (this.geometry.isLiteralCoord(location))
            return { ...waypoint, location: new google.maps.LatLng(, location.lng) };
        return { ...waypoint } as NativeDirectionsWaypoint;
     * (Type Guard) Determines if the given value is either a native waypoint or flexible waypoint (i.e. `google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint` or `DirectionsWaypoint`).
     * @param {*} value The value to test.
     * @returns {(value is NativeDirectionsWaypoint | DirectionsWaypoint)} `true` if the given value is a waypoint; otherwise `false`.
    public isWaypoint(value: any): value is NativeDirectionsWaypoint | DirectionsWaypoint
        return !!value && value.location && (this.isNativePlace(value.location) || this.geometry.isBoundsLike(value.location));

     * (Type Guard) Determines if the given value is a native waypoint (e.g. `google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint`).
     * @param {*} value The value to test.
     * @returns {value is NativeDirectionsWaypoint} `true` if the value is a native waypoint; otherwise `false`.
    public isNativeWaypoint(value: any): value is NativeDirectionsWaypoint
        // Literal coords are not part of `google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint.location`.
        return !this.geometry.isLiteralCoord(value?.location) && this.isNativePlace(value?.location);

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