Provides flexible methods for converting and analyzing geometry types.
See Geometry Types for more info.
Methods |
Public castMultiPath | ||||||||
castMultiPath(path: CoordPath)
Ensures that a path is represented as a multipath.
Similar to lodash's
The multi-path representation of the given path. |
Public centerOf | ||||||||
centerOf(elements: BoundsLike[])
Calculates the center of the given elements by constructing their bounds and extracting its center.
The center of the bounding box for the given elements. |
Public createDataPoint | ||||||||
createDataPoint(position: Coord)
Creates a native data layer geometry for a point (google.maps.Data.Point).
The point geometry. |
Public createDataPolygon | ||||||||
createDataPolygon(path: CoordPath)
Creates a native data layer geometry for a polygon (google.maps.Data.Polygon).
The polygon geometry. |
Public createDataPolyline | ||||||||
createDataPolyline(path: Path)
Creates a native data layer geometry for a polyline (google.maps.Data.Polyline).
The polyline geometry. |
Public defineBounds | ||||||||
defineBounds(elements: BoundsLike[])
Defines the containing bounds of all specified elements combined.
The containing bounds of all specified elements combined. |
Public defineCoordBounds | ||||||||
defineCoordBounds(coord: Coord)
Defines the bounds of the given coordinate.
The bounds of the specified coordinate. |
Public defineGeometryBounds | ||||||||
defineGeometryBounds(geometry: NativeGeometry)
Defines the bound of the given data layer geometry.
The bounds of the specified data layer geometry. |
Public definePathBounds | ||||||||
definePathBounds(path: CoordPath)
Defines the bounds of a given path (or multipath).
The bounds of the specified path. |
Public isBoundsLike | ||||||||
isBoundsLike(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the object is supported by the
Public isBoundsLiteral | ||||||||
isBoundsLiteral(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the object implements the
Public isCoord | ||||||||
isCoord(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is any of the supported coord types.
Public isCoordPath | ||||||||
isCoordPath(object: any)
(Type Guard) Determines if the given object is any of the supported path types.
Public isDataLayerGeometry | ||||||||
isDataLayerGeometry(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether an object is a native data layer geometry object.
Public isFlatCoord | ||||||||
isFlatCoord(coord: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is a flat coord array.
Public isFlatCoordPath | ||||||||
isFlatCoordPath(path: CoordPath)
(Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a flat coord path (e.g.
Public isIBounds | ||||||||
isIBounds(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the object implements the IBounds interface (i.e. The object is an overlay object).
Public isLiteralCoord | ||||||||
isLiteralCoord(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is a native literal coord object (i.e.
Public isMultiPath | ||||||||
isMultiPath(path: CoordPath)
(Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a multi-path.
Public isNativeBounds | ||||||||
isNativeBounds(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether an object is a native bounds object (i.e.
google.maps.LatLngBounds | google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral
Public isNativeCoord | ||||||||
isNativeCoord(object: any)
(Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is either a native literal coord object or a native coord object (i.e.
google.maps.LatLngLiteral | google.maps.LatLng
Public isNativeCoordPath | ||||||||
isNativeCoordPath(path: CoordPath)
(Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a native coord path (i.e.
Public isNativePath | ||||||||
isNativePath(path: CoordPath)
(Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a native path.
Public isSinglePath | ||||||||
isSinglePath(path: CoordPath)
(Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a single path.
Public toFlatCoord | ||||||||
toFlatCoord(coord: Coord)
Converts a coord object of a known type to a flat coord array.
The flat coord representation of the coord. |
Public toLiteralCoord | ||||||||
toLiteralCoord(coord: Coord)
Converts a coord object of a known type to a native
The native literal representation of the coord. |
Public toLiteralMultiPath | ||||||||
toLiteralMultiPath(path: CoordPath)
Converts a path object of a known type to native multi-path of type
The multi-path native literal representation of the given path. |
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Coord, NativePath, NativeMultiPath, CoordPath, MultiPath, NativeGeometry, BoundsLike, FlatCoord, Path } from '../../abstraction/types/geometry.type';
import { IBounds } from '../../abstraction/base/i-bounds';
* Provides flexible methods for converting and analyzing geometry types.
* @see [Geometry Types](/docs/additional-documentation/geometry-types.html) for more info.
* @export
* @class GeometryTransformService
providedIn: 'root'
export class GeometryTransformService
* Converts a coord object of a known type to a flat coord array.
* @param {Coord} coord The coord to convert.
* @returns {[number, number]} The flat coord representation of the coord.
public toFlatCoord(coord: Coord): FlatCoord
if (this.isFlatCoord(coord)) return coord;
return coord instanceof google.maps.LatLng ? [, coord.lng()] : [, coord.lng];
* Converts a coord object of a known type to a native `LatLngLiteral` object.
* @param {Coord} coord The coord to convert.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngLiteral} The native literal representation of the coord.
public toLiteralCoord(coord: Coord): google.maps.LatLngLiteral
// This relies on typescript to ensure 2 items in the array
if (this.isFlatCoord(coord)) return { lat: coord[0], lng: coord[1] };
return coord instanceof google.maps.LatLng ? coord.toJSON() : coord as google.maps.LatLngLiteral;
* Converts a path object of a known type to native multi-path of type `LatLngLiteral[][]`.
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to convert. Can be a single or multi-path.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngLiteral[][]} The multi-path native literal representation of the given path.
public toLiteralMultiPath(path: CoordPath): google.maps.LatLngLiteral[][]
if (!this.isMultiPath(path)) path = this.castMultiPath(path);
// Check for multipath represented as a google.maps.MVCArray object.
// An MVCArray of LinearRings will also be handled here.
if (path instanceof google.maps.MVCArray)
return (path as unknown as google.maps.MVCArray<NativePath>).getArray().map(shape => shape.getArray().map(this.toLiteralCoord.bind(this)));
// Check for LinearRing[].
if (path[0] instanceof google.maps.Data.LinearRing)
return (path as google.maps.Data.LinearRing[]).map(shape => shape.getArray().map(this.toLiteralCoord.bind(this)));
// This is either a multipath represented as a 2d array of flat coords or
// a multipath represented as LatLng or LatLngLiteral objects
return (path as Coord[][]).map(shape =>;
* Ensures that a path is represented as a multipath.
* Similar to lodash's `castArray()` but takes care of native google types.
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to cast as a multi-path.
* @returns {MultiPath} The multi-path representation of the given path.
public castMultiPath(path: CoordPath): MultiPath
if (this.isMultiPath(path)) return path as MultiPath;
if (path instanceof google.maps.MVCArray) return new google.maps.MVCArray([path]) as NativeMultiPath;
if (path instanceof google.maps.Data.LinearRing) return [path];
return [path] as Coord[][];
* (Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a flat coord path (e.g. `[[0, 0], [1, 1]]`).
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to test.
* @returns {path is FlatCoord[]} `true` if the given path is a flat coord path; otherwise `false`.
public isFlatCoordPath(path: CoordPath): path is FlatCoord[]
// Relying on TS, if the first element is a flat coord, all are guaranteed to be flat coords
return path instanceof Array && this.isFlatCoord(path[0]);
* (Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a native coord path (i.e. `<LatLng | LatLngLiteral>[]`).
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to test.
* @returns {path is NativePath} `true` if the given path is a native coord path; otherwise `false`.
public isNativeCoordPath(path: CoordPath): path is Coord[]
return path instanceof Array && this.isNativeCoord(path[0]);
* (Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a native path.
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to test.
* @returns {path is NativePath} `true` if the given path is a native path; otherwise `false`.
public isNativePath(path: CoordPath): path is NativePath
return path instanceof google.maps.MVCArray || path instanceof google.maps.Data.LinearRing;
private isEmptyArray(value: any): boolean
return value && value instanceof Array && value.length === 0;
* (Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a single path.
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to test.
* @returns {path is Path} `true` if the given path is a single path; otherwise `false`.
public isSinglePath(path: CoordPath): path is Path
return path &&
!this.isMultiPath(path) &&
|| this.isNativePath(path)
|| this.isNativeCoordPath(path)
|| this.isFlatCoordPath(path)
* (Type Guard) Determines if the given path is a multi-path.
* @param {CoordPath} path The path to test.
* @returns {path is MultiPath} `true` if the given path is a multi-path; otherwise `false`.
public isMultiPath(path: CoordPath): path is MultiPath
return path &&
// This is an array of...
(path instanceof Array &&
// 1. Arrays which are not flat coords (This is actually a multi-path and not a flat path like [[0, 0], [1, 1]])
(path[0] instanceof Array && !this.isFlatCoord(path[0]))
// 2. Native LinearRing objects
|| (path[0] instanceof google.maps.Data.LinearRing))
// This is an MVCArray of either MVCArrays or LinearRings
|| (path instanceof google.maps.MVCArray && (path.getAt(0) instanceof google.maps.MVCArray || path.getAt(0) instanceof google.maps.Data.LinearRing));
* (Type Guard) Determines if the given object is any of the supported path types.
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {path is MultiPath} `true` if the given object is any of the supported path types; otherwise `false`.
public isCoordPath(object: any): object is CoordPath
return this.isSinglePath(object) || this.isMultiPath(object);
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is a native literal coord object (i.e. `google.maps.LatLngLiteral`).
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is google.maps.LatLngLiteral} `true` if the object is a native literal coord object; otherwise `false`.
public isLiteralCoord(object: any): object is google.maps.LatLngLiteral
return !!(object && this.isLatitude( && this.isLongitude(object.lng));
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is either a native literal coord object or a native coord object (i.e. `google.maps.LatLngLiteral` or `google.maps.LatLng`).
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is google.maps.LatLngLiteral} `true` if the object is either a native literal coord object or a native coord object; otherwise `false`.
public isNativeCoord(object: any): object is google.maps.LatLngLiteral | google.maps.LatLng
return object instanceof google.maps.LatLng || this.isLiteralCoord(object);
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is a flat coord array.
* @param {*} coord The object to test.
* @returns {coord is FlatCoord} `true` if the object is a flat coord array; otherwise `false`.
public isFlatCoord(coord: any): coord is FlatCoord
return coord instanceof Array
&& coord.length === 2
&& this.isLatitude(coord[0])
&& this.isLongitude(coord[1])
private isLatitude(value: any): boolean
// Latitude range
return typeof value === 'number' && value >= -90 && value <= 90;
private isLongitude(value: any): boolean
// Longitude range
return typeof value === 'number' && value >= -180 && value <= 180;
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the given object is any of the supported coord types.
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is Coord} `true` if the object is any of the supported coord types; otherwise `false`.
public isCoord(object: any): object is Coord
return object && (this.isFlatCoord(object) || this.isNativeCoord(object));
* (Type Guard) Checks whether an object is a native bounds object (i.e. `google.maps.LatLngBounds`, `google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral`).
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is google.maps.LatLngBounds | google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} `true` if the object is a native bounds object; otherwise `false`.
public isNativeBounds(object: any): object is google.maps.LatLngBounds | google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral
return object instanceof google.maps.LatLngBounds || this.isBoundsLiteral(object);
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the object implements the `google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral` interface..
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} `true` if the object implements `google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral`; otherwise `false`.
public isBoundsLiteral(object: any): object is google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral
return !!(object && object.north && object.south && object.east && object.west);
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the object implements the IBounds interface (i.e. The object is an overlay object).
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is IBounds} `true` if the object implements IBounds; otherwise `false`.
public isIBounds(object: any): object is IBounds
return object?.getBounds instanceof Function;
* (Type Guard) Checks whether the object is supported by the `BoundsLike` type and its users.
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is IBounds} `true` if the object is supported by the `BoundsLike` type and its users; otherwise `false`.
public isBoundsLike(object: any): object is BoundsLike
return object && (
this.isIBounds(object) ||
this.isNativeBounds(object) ||
this.isCoord(object) ||
this.isCoordPath(object) ||
// TODO: Add here anything that is added to the `BoundsLike` type
* (Type Guard) Checks whether an object is a native data layer geometry object.
* @param {*} object The object to test.
* @returns {object is google.maps.Data.Geometry} `true` if the object is a native data layer geometry object; otherwise `false`.
public isDataLayerGeometry(object: any): object is google.maps.Data.Geometry
return object instanceof google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection;
* Creates a native data layer geometry for a point (google.maps.Data.Point).
* @param {Coord} position The point coordinates.
* @returns {google.maps.Data.Point} The point geometry.
public createDataPoint(position: Coord): google.maps.Data.Point
return new google.maps.Data.Point(this.toLiteralCoord(position));
* Creates a native data layer geometry for a polygon (google.maps.Data.Polygon).
* @param {CoordPath} path The path of the polygon.
* @returns {google.maps.Data.Polygon} The polygon geometry.
public createDataPolygon(path: CoordPath): google.maps.Data.Polygon
return new google.maps.Data.Polygon(this.toLiteralMultiPath(path));
* Creates a native data layer geometry for a polyline (google.maps.Data.Polyline).
* @param {Path} path The path of the polyline.
* @returns {google.maps.Data.LineString} The polyline geometry.
public createDataPolyline(path: Path): google.maps.Data.LineString
return new google.maps.Data.LineString(this.toLiteralMultiPath(path)[0]);
* Defines the bounds of the given coordinate.
* @param {Coord} coord The coordinate for which bounds should be defined.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngBounds} The bounds of the specified coordinate.
public defineCoordBounds(coord: Coord): google.maps.LatLngBounds
coord = this.toLiteralCoord(coord);
return new google.maps.LatLngBounds(coord, coord);
* Defines the bounds of a given path (or multipath).
* @param {CoordPath} path The path for which bounds should be defined.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngBounds} The bounds of the specified path.
public definePathBounds(path: CoordPath): google.maps.LatLngBounds
const multiPath = this.toLiteralMultiPath(path);
const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
multiPath.forEach(path => path.forEach(coord => bounds.extend(coord)));
return bounds;
* Defines the bound of the given data layer geometry.
* @param {NativeGeometry} geometry The geometry for which bounds should be defined.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngBounds} The bounds of the specified data layer geometry.
public defineGeometryBounds(geometry: NativeGeometry): google.maps.LatLngBounds
const bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
geometry.forEachLatLng(coord => bounds.extend(coord));
return bounds;
* Defines the containing bounds of all specified elements combined.
* @param {(...BoundsLike[])} elements The elements for which bounds should be defined.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngBounds} The containing bounds of all specified elements combined.
public defineBounds(...elements: BoundsLike[]): google.maps.LatLngBounds
return elements.reduce<google.maps.LatLngBounds>((bounds, element) =>
let elementBounds: google.maps.LatLngBounds;
// Check for a flat coord (special array case, treated separately)
if (this.isFlatCoord(element)) elementBounds = this.defineCoordBounds(element);
// Check for paths
else if (Array.isArray(element) || element instanceof google.maps.MVCArray || element instanceof google.maps.Data.LinearRing) elementBounds = this.definePathBounds(element);
// Check for IBound implementation (e.g. GoogleMapsMarker, GoogleMapsPolygon...)
else if (this.isIBounds(element)) elementBounds = element.getBounds();
// Check for bounds object
else if (this.isNativeBounds(element)) elementBounds = element as google.maps.LatLngBounds;
// Check for data layer geometry object
else if (this.isDataLayerGeometry(element)) elementBounds = this.defineGeometryBounds(element as NativeGeometry);
// Nothing matched. This is a coordinate.
else elementBounds = this.defineCoordBounds(element as Coord);
return bounds.union(elementBounds);
}, new google.maps.LatLngBounds());
* Calculates the center of the given elements by constructing their bounds and extracting its center.
* @param {...BoundsLike[]} elements The elements for which center should be calculated.
* @returns {google.maps.LatLngLiteral} The center of the bounding box for the given elements.
public centerOf(...elements: BoundsLike[]): google.maps.LatLngLiteral
return this.defineBounds(...elements).getCenter().toJSON();