
Facilitates work with the native event data objects emitted on native events.





constructor(geometry: GeometryTransformService)
Name Type Optional
geometry GeometryTransformService No


Public auto
auto(event: any)

Detects the type of event data, then extracts essential data from it to construct it in a better way. If no better format is implemented for the data, it will be returned as is.

Name Type Optional Description
event any No

The native event data object to transform.

The essential data from the event in a better format.

Public default
default(event: any)

Returns the data as is.

Name Type Optional Description
event any No

The event data.

Returns: any

The event data, untouched.

Public mouseEvent
mouseEvent(event: google.maps.MapMouseEvent)

Transforms a native mouse event into a nicer type.

Name Type Optional
event google.maps.MapMouseEvent No
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { IGoogleMapsMouseEvent    } from '../../abstraction/events/i-google-maps-mouse-event';
import { isGoogleMapsMouseEvent   } from '../../abstraction/type-guards/mouse-event-type-guard';
import { GeometryTransformService } from './geometry-transform.service';

 * Facilitates work with the native event data objects emitted on native events.
 * @export
 * @class EventDataTransformService
    providedIn: 'root'
export class EventDataTransformService
    constructor(private geometry: GeometryTransformService) { }

     * Detects the type of event data, then extracts essential data from it to construct it in a better way.
     * If no better format is implemented for the data, it will be returned as is.
     * @param {*} event The native event data object to transform.
     * @returns {(any[] | IGoogleMapsMouseEvent)} The essential data from the event in a better format.
    public auto(event: any): any[] | IGoogleMapsMouseEvent // TODO: | <IOtherEvents>
        // If this is an array, run detection for each element and create a new array
        if (Array.isArray(event)) return;

        // TODO: Add here any transformation calls. Must be from most derivative type to last derivative.
        //       Example: PolyMouseEvent extends MouseEvents. The check for PolyMouseEvent should preceed the one for MouseEvent.

        if (isGoogleMapsMouseEvent(event)) return this.mouseEvent(event);

        return this.default(event);

     * Returns the data as is.
     * @param {*} event The event data.
     * @returns {*} The event data, untouched.
    public default(event: any): any
        return event;

     * Transforms a native mouse event into a nicer type.
     * @param {google.maps.MapMouseEvent} event
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsMouseEvent}
    public mouseEvent(event: google.maps.MapMouseEvent): IGoogleMapsMouseEvent
        return {
            position: this.geometry.toLiteralCoord(event.latLng)

    // TODO: Add here any event args for which interpretation could be facilitated/automated

// ============ TODO ==============
// interface PolyMouseEvent extends MouseEvent
// {
//     edge?: number;
//     path?: number;
//     vertex?: number;
// }

// interface MouseEvent extends google.maps.MouseEvent
// {
//     feature: Data.Feature;
// }

// interface AddFeatureEvent
// {
//     feature: Data.Feature;
// }

// interface RemoveFeatureEvent
// {
//     feature: Data.Feature;
// }

// interface SetGeometryEvent
// {
//     feature: Data.Feature;
//     newGeometry: Data.Geometry;
//     oldGeometry: Data.Geometry;
// }

// interface SetPropertyEvent
// {
//     feature: Data.Feature;
//     name: string;
//     newValue: any;
//     oldValue: any;
// }

// interface RemovePropertyEvent
// {
//     feature: Data.Feature;
//     name: string;
//     oldValue: any;
// }

// interface KmlMouseEvent
// {
//     featureData: KmlFeatureData;
//     latLng: LatLng;
//     pixelOffset: Size;
// }

// interface KmlFeatureData
// {
//     author: KmlAuthor;
//     description: string;
//     id: string;
//     infoWindowHtml: string;
//     name: string;
//     snippet: string;
// }

// interface KmlAuthor
// {
//     email: string;
//     name: string;
//     uri: string;
// }

// interface MapsEngineMouseEvent
// {
//     featureId?: string;
//     infoWindowHtml?: string;
//     latLng?: LatLng;
//     pixelOffset?: Size;
// }

// /** The properties of an overlaycomplete event on a DrawingManager.. */
// interface OverlayCompleteEvent
// {
//     /** The completed overlay. */
//     overlay: Marker | Polygon | Polyline | Rectangle | Circle;
//     /** The completed overlay's type. */
//     type: OverlayType;
// }

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