Info Windows

@bespunky/angular-google-maps - Official Docs


Package 📦 @bespunky/angular-google-maps/overlays
Directive âš™ <bs-google-maps-info-window/>
Wrapper 🧬 GoogleMapsInfoWindow

Name for template reference variables: infoWindow

Wrapper API | Directive API | Live Demo


Now this is a cool one... 😎

An info window is a popup-like element with custom content. The info window offered by the library presents new API and enhances the native one. You can now:

  1. Attach an info window to ANY overlay (not just markers).
  2. Select between 4 different triggers (Click, MouseOver, DoubleClick, RightClick).
  3. Set an auto close delay.

Programmatically Opening

The new open() method receives a BoundsLike object and uses it to calculate the center of the specified object using its bounds. This allows you to pass in not just coords, but polygons and other overlays.

If open() wasn't given anything, it will take the last position where the info window was opened.

If no previous position has been defined, the map's center will be used.


You can always open an info window programmaticaly at a specific position on the map. But if you want your info window to react to events triggered by an overlay object (marker, polygon, etc.), you simply bind it to the attachedTo property:

<bs-google-maps-polygon .... #polygon="polygon"></bs-google-maps-polygon>
<bs-google-maps-info-window [attachedTo]="polygon">...</bs-google-maps-info-window>

This will open the info window at the mouse position when the user's enters the polygon.


The default trigger when attaching an overlay is mouse over. You can change it by binding the trigger property, which takes an InfoWindowTrigger value.

The following will make the info window open at the mouse position when the user right clicks inside the polygon:

<bs-google-maps-polygon .... #polygon="polygon"></bs-google-maps-polygon>
<bs-google-maps-info-window [attachedTo]="polygon" [trigger]="'rightClick'">...</bs-google-maps-info-window>

Available trigger values


To have the info window automatically close after a predefined time, define the time in milliseconds using closeAfter. When the info window opens (either automatically or programmatically), if closeAfter is a positive number, the info window will auto close.

The following will make the info window open at the mouse position when the user right clicks inside the polygon, and auto close it after 3 seconds:

<bs-google-maps-polygon .... #polygon="polygon"></bs-google-maps-polygon>
<bs-google-maps-info-window [attachedTo]="polygon" [trigger]="'rightClick'" [closeAfter]="3000">...</bs-google-maps-info-window>

Notice that the mouseMove trigger also closes the info window on mouse out.


Anything placed inside of your <bs-google-maps-info-window> element will be placed in the info window. The info window is content aware, so you can safely use dynamic content, *ngFor, *ngIf, etc.

Here's an example:

<bs-google-maps-polygon .... #polygon="polygon"></bs-google-maps-polygon>
<bs-google-maps-info-window [attachedTo]="polygon" [trigger]="'rightClick'" [closeAfter]="3000">
    <h1>Area Properties</h1>
    <p *ngFor="let property of properties">{{}}: {{property.value}}</p>


Your content will always be placed inside a container. Use the class to find your content and style it.

In the above example, the content will result in something like this:

<div class="google-maps-info-window">
    <h1>Area Properties</h1>
    <p>Prop1: 1</p>
    <p>Prop2: 2</p>

Best Practices

As per the original docs, it is best to have only one info window visible at any given time for better UX.

See Also

Topic Description
Geometry Types Flexibility for geometries.

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