
The angular-ready wrapper for the native google.maps.InfoWindow class.









constructor(map: IGoogleMap, api: GoogleMapsApiService, native: any)
Name Type Optional
map IGoogleMap No
api GoogleMapsApiService No
native any No


Public Readonly map
Type: IGoogleMap
Public custom
Type: any
Public Readonly native
Type: TNative
The instantiated native object to be wrapped.


Public clearAttachedTo

Clears any attached element and unsubscribes from events.

Returns: void
Public getAttachedTo

Gets the element the info window is attached to.

The element the info window is attached to.

Public getCloseAfter

Gets the delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.

Returns: number

The delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.

Public getPosition

Gets info window's anchoring position.

If the window is attached to an overlay, the returned position will be the last position where the window was opened.

Returns: google.maps.LatLngLiteral

The current info window's position.

Public getTrigger

Gets the current trigger for the info window.

The current trigger for the info window.

Protected onTriggered
onTriggered(event?: IGoogleMapsEventData)

Runs when the info window is triggered by the attached component.

By default, gets the mouse event position and opens the window at that position. Override to modify.

Name Type Optional Description
event IGoogleMapsEventData Yes

The mouse event data.

Returns: void
Protected onTriggeredClose

Runs when the attached component triggeres closing of the info window.

By default, closes the info window. Override to modify.

Returns: void
Public open
open(position?: BoundsLike)
Decorators :

Opens the info window at the center of the specified element.

If this is undefined, getPosition() will be used by default. If no position has been previously specified for the info window, it will default to the map's center.

Name Type Optional Description
position BoundsLike Yes

(Optional) The position or bounds like object at which center the info window should open. If this is undefined, getPosition() will be used by default. If no position has been previously specified for the info window, it will default to the map's center.

Returns: void
Public setAttachedTo
setAttachedTo(attachedTo: IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter)

Sets the element the info window will attach to. Attached elements must implement IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter.

When the info window is attached to an element, the info window will subscribe to the element's events (according to the current trigger value), then open the window automatically at the position the event was triggered at.

All overlays are by definition IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter and can be pass here.

Name Type Optional
attachedTo IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter No
Returns: void
Public setCloseAfter
setCloseAfter(delay: number)

Sets the delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed. Positive values will trigger automatic close delay when the info window opens. Zero and negative values will disable automatic close delay, leaving the info window open until the use manually closes it.

Name Type Optional Description
delay number No

The delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.

Returns: void
setDisableAutoPan(disableAutoPan: boolean)

Option shortcut. Enables/disables auto pan if the info window is out of map bounds. See google.maps.InfoWindowOptions

Name Type Optional Description
disableAutoPan boolean No

true to disable auto pan; otherwise false. Default is false.

Returns: void
setMaxWidth(maxWidth: number)

Option shortcut. Sets the maximum width of the info window, regardless of content's width. See google.maps.InfoWindowOptions

Name Type Optional Description
maxWidth number No

The maximum width for tne info window.

Returns: void
setPixelOffset(pixelOffset: google.maps.Size)

Option shortcut. Sets the offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on the map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored. See google.maps.InfoWindowOptions

Name Type Optional Description
pixelOffset google.maps.Size No

The offset size.

Returns: void
Public setPosition
setPosition(element: BoundsLike)
Decorators :

Sets the position of the info window to the center of the specified element.

Name Type Optional Description
element BoundsLike No

The element which center will define the new position of the info window.

Returns: void
Public setTrigger
setTrigger(trigger: InfoWindowTrigger)

Sets the trigger for the info window when attaching to an element. This implies specifying an attached element using setAttachedTo(). Default is mouseOver.

Name Type Optional Description
trigger InfoWindowTrigger No

The event that will trigger the info window.

Returns: void
Public clearListeners

Unregisters all handlers of any previously registered native event.

Returns: void
Public listenTo
listenTo(eventName: string, handleEvent: (args: any[]) => void)

Registers a handler to a specific event of the native object and takes care of executing the handler inside angular's zone.

Name Type Optional Description
eventName string No

The name of the native event to register the handler for.

handleEvent function No

The function to execute when the event is triggered by the native object.

Returns: void

An function for unregistering the handler from the event.

Public stopListeningTo
stopListeningTo(eventName: string)

Unregisters all handlers previously registered to handle a specific event.

Name Type Optional Description
eventName string No

The name of the native event for which to unregister all handlers.

Returns: void
Public setCustom
setCustom(custom: any)
Name Type Optional
custom any No
Returns: void
import { Subject, of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { GoogleMapsApiService, NativeObjectWrapper, IGoogleMap, OutsideAngular, GoogleMapsNativeObjectEmittingWrapper, BoundsLike, IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter, IGoogleMapsEventData, IGoogleMapsMouseEvent, Delegation } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { IGoogleMapsInfoWindow, WrappedInfoWindowFunctions, InfoWindowTrigger } from './i-google-maps-info-window';

type TriggerHandlersMap = Record<InfoWindowTrigger, {
    emitter: () => Observable<IGoogleMapsEventData>;
    handle : (event?: IGoogleMapsEventData) => void;

/** Extends intellisense for `GoogleMapsInfoWindow` with native info window functions. */
export interface GoogleMapsInfoWindow extends WrappedInfoWindowFunctions { }

 * The angular-ready wrapper for the native `google.maps.InfoWindow` class.
 * @export
 * @class GoogleMapsInfoWindow
 * @extends {GoogleMapsNativeObjectEmittingWrapper<google.maps.InfoWindow>}
 * @implements {IGoogleMapsInfoWindow}
// @dynamic
    close: Delegation.OutsideAngular
export class GoogleMapsInfoWindow extends GoogleMapsNativeObjectEmittingWrapper<google.maps.InfoWindow> implements IGoogleMapsInfoWindow
    private attachedTo: IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter;
    private trigger   : InfoWindowTrigger = 'mouseOver';
    private closeAfter: number = 0;

    private readonly detach: Subject<void> = new Subject();

    private readonly triggerEvents: TriggerHandlersMap = {
        ['click'      ]: [{ emitter: () =>,       handle: this.onTriggered }],
        ['mouseOver'  ]: [{ emitter: () => this.attachedTo.mouseOver,   handle: this.onTriggered }, { emitter: () => this.attachedTo.mouseOut, handle: this.onTriggeredClose } ],
        ['doubleClick']: [{ emitter: () => this.attachedTo.doubleClick, handle: this.onTriggered }],
        ['rightClick' ]: [{ emitter: () => this.attachedTo.rightClick,  handle: this.onTriggered }],

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    constructor(public readonly map: IGoogleMap, api: GoogleMapsApiService, native: any /* See super for docs on `any` */)
        super(api, native);

     * Gets info window's anchoring position.
     * If the window is attached to an overlay, the returned position will be the last position where the window was opened.
     * @returns {google.maps.LatLngLiteral} The current info window's position.
    public getPosition(): google.maps.LatLngLiteral
        return this.api.geometry.toLiteralCoord(this.native.getPosition());
     * Sets the position of the info window to the center of the specified element.
     * @param {BoundsLike} element The element which center will define the new position of the info window.
    public setPosition(element: BoundsLike): void

     * Gets the current trigger for the info window.
     * @returns {InfoWindowTrigger} The current trigger for the info window.
    public getTrigger(): InfoWindowTrigger
        return this.trigger;
     * Sets the trigger for the info window when attaching to an element. This implies specifying an attached element using `setAttachedTo()`.
     * Default is `mouseOver`.
     * @param {InfoWindowTrigger} trigger The event that will trigger the info window.
    public setTrigger(trigger: InfoWindowTrigger): void
        if (trigger === this.trigger) return;

        this.trigger = trigger;

     * Gets the delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.
     * @returns {number} The delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.
    public getCloseAfter(): number
        return this.closeAfter;
     * Sets the delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.
     * Positive values will trigger automatic close delay when the info window opens.
     * Zero and negative values will disable automatic close delay, leaving the info window open until the use manually closes it.
     * @param {number} delay The delay in milliseconds after which the info window will be automatically closed.
    public setCloseAfter(delay: number): void
        this.closeAfter = delay;

     * Gets the element the info window is attached to.
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter} The element the info window is attached to.
    public getAttachedTo(): IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter
        return this.attachedTo;

     * Sets the element the info window will attach to.
     * Attached elements must implement `IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter`.
     * When the info window is attached to an element, the info window will subscribe to the element's events (according to the current `trigger` value),
     * then open the window automatically at the position the event was triggered at.
     * @param {IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter} element The element to attach the info window to.
     * All overlays are by definition `IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter` and can be pass here.
    public setAttachedTo(attachedTo: IGoogleMapsMouseEventsEmitter): void
        if (attachedTo === this.attachedTo) return;

        this.attachedTo = attachedTo;


     * Clears any attached element and unsubscribes from events.
    public clearAttachedTo(): void

        this.attachedTo = null;

     * Opens the info window at the center of the specified element.
     * @param {BoundsLike} [position] (Optional) The position or bounds like object at which center the info window should open.
     * If this is undefined, `getPosition()` will be used by default.
     * If no position has been previously specified for the info window, it will default to the map's center.
    public open(position?: BoundsLike): void
        position = position || this.getPosition() ||;


        if (this.closeAfter > 0) this.autoClose();

    private reattachEmitters(): void
        if (!this.attachedTo) return;
        // Unsubscribe any previous emitter subscriptions;
        // Get the emitters for the specified trigger and subscribe to each while directing them to the relevant handler (open or close)
        this.triggerEvents[this.trigger].forEach(event => event.emitter()
                                                               .pipe     (takeUntil(this.detach))

     * Runs when the info window is triggered by the attached component.
     * By default, gets the mouse event position and opens the window at that position. Override to modify.
     * @protected
     * @param {IGoogleMapsEventData} [event] The mouse event data.
    protected onTriggered(event?: IGoogleMapsEventData): void
        const position = (event.args[0] as IGoogleMapsMouseEvent).position;;

     * Runs when the attached component triggeres closing of the info window.
     * By default, closes the info window. Override to modify.
     * @protected
    protected onTriggeredClose(): void

    private autoClose(): void
             .subscribe(() => this.native.close());

     * Option shortcut. Enables/disables auto pan if the info window is out of map bounds.
     * @see google.maps.InfoWindowOptions
     * @param {boolean} disableAutoPan `true` to disable auto pan; otherwise `false`. Default is `false`.
    setDisableAutoPan(disableAutoPan: boolean)         : void { this.setOptions({ disableAutoPan }); }
     * Option shortcut. Sets the maximum width of the info window, regardless of content's width.
     * @see google.maps.InfoWindowOptions
     * @param {number} maxWidth The maximum width for tne info window.
    setMaxWidth      (maxWidth      : number)          : void { this.setOptions({ maxWidth       }); }
     * Option shortcut. Sets the offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on the map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored.
     * @see google.maps.InfoWindowOptions
     * @param {google.maps.Size} pixelOffset The offset size.
    setPixelOffset   (pixelOffset   : google.maps.Size): void { this.setOptions({ pixelOffset    }); }

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