dependencies dependencies cluster_GoogleMapsModule cluster_GoogleMapsModule_declarations cluster_GoogleMapsModule_imports cluster_GoogleMapsModule_exports SafeDirective SafeDirective GoogleMapsModule GoogleMapsModule SafeDirective->GoogleMapsModule SafeDirective SafeDirective GoogleMapsModule->SafeDirective _GoogleMapsCoreModule _GoogleMapsCoreModule GoogleMapsModule->_GoogleMapsCoreModule _GoogleMapsCoreModule _GoogleMapsCoreModule _GoogleMapsCoreModule->GoogleMapsModule




Static forRoot
forRoot(config?: GoogleMapsConfig)

Creates providers and configures the module before import.

When implementing your own api loader:

  1. Do not pass in the config param.
  2. Declare a provider for GoogleMapsApiLoader in your app.

own implementation for GoogleMapsApiLoader.

Name Type Optional Description
config GoogleMapsConfig Yes

Configure automatic loading of Google Maps API. When not provided, it is assumed that you will provide your own implementation for GoogleMapsApiLoader.

import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreModule                    } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/core';
import { UniversalModule               } from '@bespunky/angular-zen/universal';

import { _GoogleMapsModule, _InternalModule         } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/_internal';
import { _GoogleMapsCoreModule, GoogleMapsApiLoader } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { LazyGoogleMapsApiLoader } from './services/lazy-google-maps-api-loader';
import { GoogleMapsConfig        } from './services/google-maps-config';
import { SafeDirective           } from './directives/safe.directive';

// Import and re-export the core google maps module so map component and other modules are accessible
    declarations: [SafeDirective],
    imports     : [_GoogleMapsCoreModule, CoreModule, UniversalModule, _InternalModule],
    exports     : [SafeDirective, _GoogleMapsCoreModule]
export class GoogleMapsModule extends _GoogleMapsModule
     * Creates providers and configures the module before import.
     * When implementing your own api loader:
     * 1. Do not pass in the `config` param.
     * 2. Declare a provider for `GoogleMapsApiLoader` in your app.
     * @static
     * @param {GoogleMapsConfig} [config] Configure automatic loading of Google Maps API. When not provided, it is assumed that you will provide your 
     * own implementation for `GoogleMapsApiLoader`.
    static forRoot(config?: GoogleMapsConfig): ModuleWithProviders<GoogleMapsModule>
        // If no config was provided, it is assumed that the user will provide his own loader.
        return config ? {
            ngModule: GoogleMapsModule,
            providers: [
                { provide: GoogleMapsApiLoader, useClass: LazyGoogleMapsApiLoader },
                { provide: GoogleMapsConfig, useValue: config }
        } : { ngModule: GoogleMapsModule };

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