
The configuration for a wrapper factory provider test.





additionalSpecs: AdditionalWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs
Type: AdditionalWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs

(Optional) Additional specs that should be run after the automated specs provided by produceBrowserWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs() and produceNonBrowserWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs().

expectedToken: InjectionToken<Wrapper>
Type: InjectionToken<Wrapper>
expectedWrapperType: Type<Wrapper>
Type: Type<Wrapper>

The type of the wrapper object expected to be produced by the factory.

mockNative: Native
Type: Native

(Optional) The value that will be returned by the simulated produceValue function passed to the generator function. Meaning, when the factory returns, this will be the value it produces.

provider: FactoryProvider
Type: FactoryProvider

The provider being tested.

providerName: string
Type: string

The name of the provider being tested. This will be shown in the test spec.

providers: any[]
Type: any[]

(Optional) Any providers needed for the test in addition to the ones created by setup function.

setup: SetupFn
Type: SetupFn

The function that will setup the testing environment.

import { FactoryProvider, InjectionToken, Type } from '@angular/core';

import { Native, Wrapper, WrapperInstance                                          } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { setupWrapperFactoryProviderTest, WrapperProviderTestConfig                } from './setup/wrappers/wrapper-factory-provider-test-setup';
import { produceWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs, AdditionalWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs } from './specs/wrapper-factory-provider-spec-production';

type SetupFn = (provider: FactoryProvider, config: WrapperProviderTestConfig) => Promise<{ producedValue: any }>;

 * The configuration for a wrapper factory provider test.
 * @export
 * @interface WrapperFactoryProviderTest
export interface WrapperFactoryProviderTest
    /** The name of the provider being tested. This will be shown in the test spec. */
    providerName       : string;
    /** The provider being tested. */
    provider           : FactoryProvider;
    /** The function that will setup the testing environment. */
    setup              : SetupFn;
    expectedToken?     : InjectionToken<Wrapper>;
    /** The type of the wrapper object expected to be produced by the factory. */
    expectedWrapperType: Type<Wrapper>;
     * (Optional) The value that will be returned by the **simulated** `produceValue` function passed
     * to the generator function. Meaning, when the factory returns, this will be the value it produces.
    mockNative         : Native;
    /** (Optional) Any providers needed for the test in addition to the ones created by setup function. */
    providers?         : any[];
    /** (Optional) Additional specs that should be run after the automated specs provided by `produceBrowserWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs()` and `produceNonBrowserWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs()`. */
    additionalSpecs?   : AdditionalWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs;

 * Performs setup and spec production for wrapper factory providers.
 * How:
 * Creates a testing section with the provider name using `describe()`, sets up the testing environment using the provided setup function
 * and produces native factory provider specs using the `produceWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs()` function.
 * @export
 * @param {WrapperFactoryProviderTest} config The configuration for the test.
export function testWrapperFactoryProviderCore({providerName, provider, setup, expectedToken, expectedWrapperType, mockNative, providers, additionalSpecs }: WrapperFactoryProviderTest)
    describe(providerName, () =>
        let producedWrapper: any;
        async function runSetup(platform: any)
            const config: WrapperProviderTestConfig = { platform, native: mockNative, providers };
            ({ producedValue: producedWrapper } = await setup(provider, config));

        expectedToken = expectedToken || WrapperInstance;
        produceWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs(runSetup, () => provider, () => producedWrapper, () => expectedToken, expectedWrapperType, mockNative, additionalSpecs);

 * Performs setup and spec production for wrapper factory providers using the default `setupWrapperFactoryProviderTest()` as a setup function.
 * How:
 * Creates a testing section with the provider name using `describe()`, sets up the testing environment using the default setup function
 * and produces wrapper factory provider specs using the `produceWrapperFactoryProviderSpecs()` function.
 * @export
 * @param {Omit<WrapperFactoryProviderTest, 'setup'>} testConfig The configuration for the test.
export function testWrapperFactoryProvider(testConfig: Omit<WrapperFactoryProviderTest, 'setup'>)
    const config = { ...testConfig, setup: setupWrapperFactoryProviderTest };


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