
Represents the functionality that a data layer wrapper should provide.







addFeature(feature: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature)

Adds a feature to the data layer. If a native feature is specified, a wrapper will be created for it.

Name Type Optional Description
feature google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature No

The native feature or feature wrapper to add.

The wrapper object for the new feature.

createMarker(position: Coord, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)

Creates a marker geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.

Name Type Optional Description
position Coord No

The position at which the marker should be added.

options google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions Yes

(Optional) Any native options to assign to the marker.

The wrapper object for the new feature.

createPolygon(path: CoordPath, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)

Creates a polygon geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.

Name Type Optional Description
path CoordPath No

The path describing the polygon coordinates.

options google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions Yes

(Optional) Any native options to assign to the polygon.

The wrapper object for the new feature.

createPolyline(path: Path, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)

Creates a polyline geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.

Name Type Optional Description
path Path No

The path describing the polyline coordinates.

options google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions Yes

(Optional) Any native options to assign to the polyline.

The wrapper object for the new feature.

findFeature(id: string | number)

Looks for a feature in the data layer.

Name Type Optional Description
id string | number No

The id of the feature to look for.

Returns: google.maps.Data.Feature

The feature associated with the specified id or null when not found.

loadGeoJson(url: string, options?: google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions)

Downloads GeoJson data from the specified url, interprets it and creates map features for it. Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.

Name Type Optional Description
url string No

The url to the GeoJson data to download.

options google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions Yes

(Optional) Configures the process of reading the GeoJson.

Returns: Promise<google.maps.Data.Feature[]>

A promise for the features representing the geometries added from the GeoJson.

removeFeature(featureOrId: google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string)

Removes a feature from the data layer.

Name Type Optional Description
featureOrId google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string No

The feature or feature id to remove.

The removed feature wrapper.


Creates the GeoJson representation of the data and provides it as an object when the promise resolves. Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.

Returns: Promise<any>

A promise for the GeoJson object.

import { Coord, CoordPath, Path, WrappedNativeFunctions } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { IGoogleMapsDrawableOverlay } from '../../abstraction/base/i-google-maps-drawable-overlay';
import { IGoogleMapsFeature         } from './feature/i-google-maps-feature';

/** A type for the native functions of a data layer which should be wrapped. Used along with the extension interface for the wrapper.  */
export type WrappedDataFunctions = WrappedNativeFunctions<google.maps.Data, 'add' | 'addGeoJson' | 'getFeatureById' | 'toGeoJson' | 'loadGeoJson' | 'addListener' | 'bindTo' | 'unbind' | 'unbindAll' | 'notify' | 'getMap' | 'setMap' | 'get' | 'set'>;

 * Represents the functionality that a data layer wrapper should provide.
 * @export
 * @interface IGoogleMapsData
 * @extends {IGoogleMapsDrawableOverlay<google.maps.Data>}
 * @extends {WrappedDataFunctions}
export interface IGoogleMapsData extends IGoogleMapsDrawableOverlay<google.maps.Data>, WrappedDataFunctions
     * Creates a marker geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
     * @param {Coord} position The position at which the marker should be added.
     * @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions} [options] (Optional) Any native options to assign to the marker.
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
    createMarker(position: Coord, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions): IGoogleMapsFeature;
     * Creates a polygon geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
     * @param {CoordPath} path The path describing the polygon coordinates.
     * @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions} [options] (Optional) Any native options to assign to the polygon.
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
    createPolygon(path: CoordPath, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions): IGoogleMapsFeature;
     * Creates a polyline geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
     * @param {Path} path The path describing the polyline coordinates.
     * @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions} [options] (Optional) Any native options to assign to the polyline.
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
    createPolyline(path: Path, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions): IGoogleMapsFeature;

     * Adds a feature to the data layer. If a native feature is specified, a wrapper will be created for it.
     * @param {(google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature)} feature The native feature or feature wrapper to add.
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
    addFeature(feature: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature): IGoogleMapsFeature;
     * Looks for a feature in the data layer.
     * @param {(string | number)} id The id of the feature to look for.
     * @returns {google.maps.Data.Feature} The feature associated with the specified id or `null` when not found.
    findFeature(id: string | number): google.maps.Data.Feature;

     * Removes a feature from the data layer.
     * @param {(google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string)} featureOrId The feature or feature id to remove.
     * @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The removed feature wrapper.
    removeFeature(featureOrId: google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string): IGoogleMapsFeature;

     * Downloads GeoJson data from the specified url, interprets it and creates map features for it.
     * Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.

     * @param {string} url The url to the GeoJson data to download.
     * @param {google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions} [options] (Optional) Configures the process of reading the GeoJson.
     * @returns {google.maps.Data.Feature[]} A promise for the features representing the geometries added from the GeoJson.
    loadGeoJson(url: string, options?: google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions): Promise<google.maps.Data.Feature[]>;

     * Creates the GeoJson representation of the data and provides it as an object when the promise resolves.
     * Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.
     * @returns {Promise<any>} A promise for the GeoJson object.
    toGeoJson(): Promise<any>;

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