Represents the functionality that a data layer wrapper should provide.
Methods |
addFeature | ||||||||
addFeature(feature: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature)
Adds a feature to the data layer. If a native feature is specified, a wrapper will be created for it.
The wrapper object for the new feature. |
createMarker | ||||||||||||
createMarker(position: Coord, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)
Creates a marker geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
The wrapper object for the new feature. |
createPolygon | ||||||||||||
createPolygon(path: CoordPath, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)
Creates a polygon geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
The wrapper object for the new feature. |
createPolyline | ||||||||||||
createPolyline(path: Path, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)
Creates a polyline geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
The wrapper object for the new feature. |
loadGeoJson | ||||||||||||
loadGeoJson(url: string, options?: google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions)
Downloads GeoJson data from the specified url, interprets it and creates map features for it. Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.
A promise for the features representing the geometries added from the GeoJson. |
removeFeature | ||||||||
removeFeature(featureOrId: google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string)
Removes a feature from the data layer.
The removed feature wrapper. |
toGeoJson |
Creates the GeoJson representation of the data and provides it as an object when the promise resolves. Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.
A promise for the GeoJson object. |
import { Coord, CoordPath, Path, WrappedNativeFunctions } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';
import { IGoogleMapsDrawableOverlay } from '../../abstraction/base/i-google-maps-drawable-overlay';
import { IGoogleMapsFeature } from './feature/i-google-maps-feature';
/** A type for the native functions of a data layer which should be wrapped. Used along with the extension interface for the wrapper. */
export type WrappedDataFunctions = WrappedNativeFunctions<google.maps.Data, 'add' | 'addGeoJson' | 'getFeatureById' | 'toGeoJson' | 'loadGeoJson' | 'addListener' | 'bindTo' | 'unbind' | 'unbindAll' | 'notify' | 'getMap' | 'setMap' | 'get' | 'set'>;
* Represents the functionality that a data layer wrapper should provide.
* @export
* @interface IGoogleMapsData
* @extends {IGoogleMapsDrawableOverlay<google.maps.Data>}
* @extends {WrappedDataFunctions}
export interface IGoogleMapsData extends IGoogleMapsDrawableOverlay<google.maps.Data>, WrappedDataFunctions
* Creates a marker geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
* @param {Coord} position The position at which the marker should be added.
* @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions} [options] (Optional) Any native options to assign to the marker.
* @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
createMarker(position: Coord, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions): IGoogleMapsFeature;
* Creates a polygon geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
* @param {CoordPath} path The path describing the polygon coordinates.
* @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions} [options] (Optional) Any native options to assign to the polygon.
* @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
createPolygon(path: CoordPath, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions): IGoogleMapsFeature;
* Creates a polyline geometry feature with the specified properties and adds it to the map.
* @param {Path} path The path describing the polyline coordinates.
* @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions} [options] (Optional) Any native options to assign to the polyline.
* @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
createPolyline(path: Path, options?: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions): IGoogleMapsFeature;
* Adds a feature to the data layer. If a native feature is specified, a wrapper will be created for it.
* @param {(google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature)} feature The native feature or feature wrapper to add.
* @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The wrapper object for the new feature.
addFeature(feature: google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions | IGoogleMapsFeature): IGoogleMapsFeature;
* Looks for a feature in the data layer.
* @param {(string | number)} id The id of the feature to look for.
* @returns {google.maps.Data.Feature} The feature associated with the specified id or `null` when not found.
findFeature(id: string | number): google.maps.Data.Feature;
* Removes a feature from the data layer.
* @param {(google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string)} featureOrId The feature or feature id to remove.
* @returns {IGoogleMapsFeature} The removed feature wrapper.
removeFeature(featureOrId: google.maps.Data.Feature | IGoogleMapsFeature | number | string): IGoogleMapsFeature;
* Downloads GeoJson data from the specified url, interprets it and creates map features for it.
* Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.
* @param {string} url The url to the GeoJson data to download.
* @param {google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions} [options] (Optional) Configures the process of reading the GeoJson.
* @returns {google.maps.Data.Feature[]} A promise for the features representing the geometries added from the GeoJson.
loadGeoJson(url: string, options?: google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions): Promise<google.maps.Data.Feature[]>;
* Creates the GeoJson representation of the data and provides it as an object when the promise resolves.
* Will automatically take care of the callback required by Google Maps Api internally.
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise for the GeoJson object.
toGeoJson(): Promise<any>;