
Represents additional specs that should be run after the automated specs provided by the spec production functions in this file.





browser: AdditionalSpecDefinition
Type: AdditionalSpecDefinition

(Optional) A function that creates additional specs (i.e. it('should...') calls) for browser platforms.

nonBrowser: AdditionalSpecDefinition
Type: AdditionalSpecDefinition

(Optional) A function that creates additional specs (i.e. it('should...') calls) for non-browser platforms.

import { FactoryProvider, InjectionToken, Type     } from '@angular/core';
import { ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID, ɵPLATFORM_SERVER_ID } from '@angular/common';

import { Native } from '@bespunky/angular-google-maps/core';

function itShouldBeAFactoryProviderForNative(provider: () => FactoryProvider, expectedToken: () => InjectionToken<Native>)
    it('should be a `FactoryProvider` for the expected token', () =>
        const factoryProvider = provider();
        expect(factoryProvider.provide   ).toBe(expectedToken());

 * Produces specs for native factory providers for browser platforms.
 * See implementation for included tests.
 * @export
 * @param {() => FactoryProvider} provider A function that returns the tested provider.
 * @param {() => Native} producedNative A function that returns the value produced by the provider.
 * @param {() => jest.SpyInstance} runOutsideAngular A function that returns the `runOutsideAngular` spy.
 * @param {Type<Native>} expectedNativeType The type of native object expected to be produced by the factory.
export function produceBrowserNativeFactoryProviderSpecs(provider: () => FactoryProvider, producedNative: () => Native, runOutsideAngular: () => jest.SpyInstance, expectedToken: () => InjectionToken<Native>, expectedNativeType: Type<Native>)
    itShouldBeAFactoryProviderForNative(provider, expectedToken);

    it('should return the correct native type', () => expect(producedNative()).toBeInstanceOf(expectedNativeType));

    it('should create the native object outside angular', () => expect(runOutsideAngular()).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));

 * Produces specs for native factory providers for non-browser platforms.
 * See implementation for included tests.
 * @export
 * @param {() => FactoryProvider} provider A function that returns the tested provider.
 * @param {() => Native} producedNative A function that returns the value produced by the provider.
export function produceNonBrowserNativeFactoryProviderSpecs(provider: () => FactoryProvider, producedNative: () => Native, expectedToken: () => InjectionToken<Native>)
    itShouldBeAFactoryProviderForNative(provider, expectedToken);
    it('should returns null', () => expect(producedNative()).toBeNull());

type AdditionalSpecDefinition = (producedNative: () => Native, provider: () => FactoryProvider, runOutsideAngular: () => jest.SpyInstance) => void;

 * Represents additional specs that should be run after the automated specs provided by the spec production functions in this file.
 * @export
 * @interface AdditionalNativeFactoryProviderSpecs
export interface AdditionalNativeFactoryProviderSpecs
     * (Optional) A function that creates additional specs (i.e. `it('should...')` calls) for browser platforms.
    browser?   : AdditionalSpecDefinition;
     * (Optional) A function that creates additional specs (i.e. `it('should...')` calls) for non-browser platforms.
    nonBrowser?: AdditionalSpecDefinition;

 * Produces specs for native factory providers for both browser and non-browser platforms.
 * @export
 * @param {(platform: any) => any} setup The function that will setup the testing environment.
 * @param {() => FactoryProvider} provider A function that returns the tested provider.
 * @param {() => Native} producedNative A function that returns the value produced by the factory.
 * @param {() => jest.SpyInstance} runOutsideAngular A function that returns the `runOutsideAngular` spy.
 * @param {Type<Native>} expectedNativeType The type of native object expected to be produced by the factory.
 * @param {AdditionalNativeFactoryProviderSpecs} [additionalSpecs] (Optional) Additional specs that should be run after the automated specs provided by `produceBrowserNativeFactoryProviderSpecs()` and `produceNonBrowserNativeFactoryProviderSpecs()`.
export function produceNativeFactoryProviderSpecs(
    setup             : (platform: any) => any,
    provider          : () => FactoryProvider,
    producedNative    : () => Native,
    runOutsideAngular : () => jest.SpyInstance,
    expectedToken     : () => InjectionToken<Native>,
    expectedNativeType: Type<Native>,
    additionalSpecs?  : AdditionalNativeFactoryProviderSpecs
    describe('on browsers', () =>
        beforeEach(() => setup(ɵPLATFORM_BROWSER_ID));

        produceBrowserNativeFactoryProviderSpecs(provider, producedNative, runOutsideAngular, expectedToken, expectedNativeType);

        if (additionalSpecs?.browser) additionalSpecs.browser(producedNative, provider, runOutsideAngular);

    describe('on non-browsers', () =>
        beforeEach(() => setup(ɵPLATFORM_SERVER_ID));

        produceNonBrowserNativeFactoryProviderSpecs(provider, producedNative, expectedToken);

        if (additionalSpecs?.nonBrowser) additionalSpecs.nonBrowser(producedNative, provider, runOutsideAngular);

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