At the heart of the library is the map. The map component will always be the top-level container for all other library components or directives.
To place a map in your template, use the <bs-google-map/>
Haha, yeah... 😄
stands for BeSpunky... Not the other thing you were thinking. 😏
Content and tools related to the map instance you're defining will always go as children of your <bs-google-map/>
To configure your map, simply bind options using angular's syntax:
<bs-google-map *bsSafe
See API for a complete list of supported bindable
options and their types.
To handle events emitted by your map, simply bind handlers using angular's syntax and pass in the $event
<bs-google-map *bsSafe
See API for a complete list of supported bindable
events and their$event
Inside of a <bs-google-map/>
component, the top level container is always a
element. The map component is defined with no view encapsulation, meaning you can use the .google-map
css selector to identify map elements and apply styles from your host component if necessary.
Another way would be using a
::ng-deep .google-map
css selector to identify map elements and apply styles from your host component if necessary. See::ng-deep
deprecation discussion.
Topic | Description |
Superpowers | Enhance map capabilities with built-in and custom tools. |
Multiple Maps | Adding multiple map instances. |
*bsSafe | Ensuring that maps api is loaded. |
Topic | Description |
Programmatic Control | Handle your map in your component using a map object. |
Injectable Services | Injectable tools and providers. |
Geometry Types | Flexibility for geometries. |
Best Practices | Create scalable maps and features. |