Data Layer

@bespunky/angular-google-maps - Official Docs


Package 📦 @bespunky/angular-google-maps/overlays
Directive âš™ <bs-google-maps-data/>
Wrapper 🧬 GoogleMapsData

Name for template reference variables: dataLayer

Wrapper API | Directive API | Live Demo


The data layer is different to the rest of the overlays. It doesn't do much on its own, and is meant to be used in conjunction with geometry features.

You must either place geometry feature directives inside of the data directive or use the wrapper to create the features.

Feature Events

The native data layer object raises events for features it holds, which in turn means you'd have to find out which feature raised the event. <bs-google-maps-data/> and <bs-google-maps-feature> play nicely together to bridge this. See Geometry Features.

Feature Tracking

How do I access the wrapper?

The wrapper implements feature tracking automatically. Access tracked features using the features property:

const data = ... // Fetch the data layer wrapper

const yourFeatures = data.features.list; // GoogleMapsFeature[]

Unlike overlay tracker, the features tracker doesn't provide a changes observable. That is because the native data layer already provides events for detecting changes. Bind your <bs-google-maps-data> directive's addFeature and removeFeature events and you'll get the same result. See demo for more details.

Subject to Change

As with feature events, @bespunky/angular-google-maps aspires bridging the gap between the native data object and the native feature objects it holds. So feature styling and other tasks are about to become a lot easier.

Stay tuned for new versions and breaking changes...

See Also

Topic Description
Geometry Types Flexibility for geometries.

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