
@bespunky/angular-google-maps - Official Docs


Package 📦 @bespunky/angular-google-maps/overlays
Directive âš™ <bs-google-maps-circle/>
Wrapper 🧬 GoogleMapsCircle

Name for template reference variables: circle

Wrapper API | Directive API | Live Demo


The circle's center can be set using any geometry matching BoundsLike (see Geometry Types). The wrapper will automatically get the center of the element's bounding box and use it as the position.

You can now position circles on top of other elements (e.g. a polygon) by setting the element as the position:

<bs-google-maps-polygon .... #polygon="polygon"></bs-google-maps-polygon>
<bs-google-maps-circle [center]="polygon.wrapper" [radius]="400000"></bs-google-maps-circle>

See Also

Topic Description
Geometry Types Flexibility for geometries.

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