Getting Started
@bespunky/angular-google-maps - Official Docs
1. Install the library
npm install @bespunky/angular-google-maps
2. Include the main module and start working
How are you planning on loading Google Maps API?
👉 Take care of it for me please
The library will load it for you asynchronously when you import the main module and ensure that map components will be rendered safely after the API is ready.
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👉 I have my own async loading strategy
In case you need to create a custom loader and integrate it with the library. The library will run your loader and ensure that map components will be rendered safely after the API is ready.
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👉 I'm gonna manually load it
In case you'll place a `script` tag manually and you can ensure that it will be loaded before your map component gets loaded.
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🔑 You'll need an API key from Google (Get it here)
You don't have to do so right now, but you'll need it later.
Google actually allows you to use their maps api in development mode without an api key, but it will stick an annoying overlay with a dialog each time your map loads.
When you're ready for production, or simply want to work without interruptions, get your key and incorporate it into your app.