Feature Maps

@bespunky/angular-google-maps - Official Docs

The Concept

Feature maps are a great way to create order and scalability. Even if you're building a small scale app, it is best to wrap the <bs-google-map/> component in a new component of your own. That component will serve a specific use-case for the map.

You have a view with a list of your business's branches. Each branch on the list should be displayed with a small map containing a pin with the branch's location. The map should initialize centered on the pin, with a zoom level of 8, and default UI should be disabled. 🤯

Live demo


We need a reusable component that will provide branch location functionality and allow us to easily place a branch location map, like so:

<!-- your-branch-list.component.html -->

<app-branch-location-map *ngFor="let branch of branches" [branch]="branch"></app-branch-location-map>

Imagine you have a new view with a single branch's details. Now you can simply add an <app-branch-location-map> component to your view.

And let's say you want the user to see a toast message each time the pin is clicked. All you have to do is implement it in your BranchLocationMapComponent. All of your maps will have the new toast feature. 😎


Down to business...

  1. Create a new component that will represent a branch location map. It will receive the location by template:

    // branch-location-map.component.ts
    import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
    import { Branch } from '......';
        selector   : 'app-branch-location-map',
        templateUrl: './branch-location-map.component.html',
        styleUrls  : ['./branch-location-map.component.scss'],
    export class BranchLocationMapComponent
        @Input() public branch: Branch;
  2. Define the component's template:

    <!-- branch-location-map.component.html -->
    <bs-google-map *bsSafe [center]="branch.location"
                           [options]="{ disableDefaultUI: true }">
        <bs-google-maps-marker [position]="branch.location"></bs-google-maps-marker>

Tip: Design your @Input properties to receive the entire data structure (e.g. an entity, or a model) they are intended for. Model changes will require zero-to-minimal effort as you will only have to adapt the component and not the using code.

Next Steps

Topic Description
Feature Components Best practices for centralizing map features.

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